
Stelly's Languages Department is happy to offer French, Spanish, Japanese and SENĆOŦEN.  Studies show that having knowledge in another language is beneficial for brain activity, cultural understanding, travel, and employment. We strive to offer a wonderful language learning experience for all our students taking additional languages.


French 9

Prior learning as a predictor of success:  French 8

This is an enjoyable course designed to build on the skills you have already developed in previous French classes.  The emphasis is on communication, with textbook that provides interesting topics as a basis for study.  For example, students play a game with questions they’ve created at the end of our unit on the French-speaking world; students organize a fashion show or demonstrate dances in our unit on retro-culture.  Students might make their own videos of sport demonstrations or grammar concepts.  Active participation in a variety of interesting activities and projects is stressed throughout this course. 

French 10

Prior learning as a predictor of success:  French 9

This course provides an extension of French 9.  You will  begin to build your confidence in using the language for a wider range of purposes and with greater fluency. The unit on survival French gives you practical tools for travel.  You will create and describe a piece of art as well as make a news show.  Active participation is required throughout the course. 

French 11

Prior learning as a predictor of success:  French 10 

French 11 satisfies University Entrance requirements in language.  You already have considerable skill in French--in this course you learn a number of new verb tenses so that your communication may become more varied and sophisticated.  A wide range of listening, speaking and writing activities are offered so that you can refine your skills while learning more about French culture and language. 

French 12

Prior learning as a predictor of success:  French 11  

Suggested for those who received a B or higher in French 11.  French 12 allows you to polish what you have learned in your previous courses. A variety of writing, reading, listening and cultural experiences will help prepare you for your next chapter in life, whether you are travelling abroad or studying French at the university level. We emphasize individual learning and encourage discussions, debates and current events in French. 



This course is a beginner level, secondary course open to students in grades 9-12, both W̱SÁNEĆ students and non-aboriginal students.  With the development of the SENĆOŦEN Integrated Resource Package 5-12, Stelly's is very excited to be able to offer SENĆOŦEN 9/10 this year. “The study of the SENĆOŦEN language and the W̱SÁNEĆ culture is intended to enable learners to communicate purposefully in SENĆOŦEN and to provide students to gain insights into their own culture and to develop openness to cultural diversity” IRP, 2012.

The course uses a communicative-experiential approach. The focus of classroom instruction is the purposeful use of the language to perform real life tasks, share ideas, acquire information and to experience cultural activities. Grammar instruction plays a supportive role only – to provide the tools needed to facilitate student communication and comprehension.


Spanish Courses - Overview

The redesigned Spanish as a Second Language curriculum presents what students are expected to know, do, and understand. It provides a framework to engage students in learning experiences through which they can become proficient users of Spanish, gain  new perspectives, and engage with Spanish-speaking communities. The Spanish curriculum represents an integrated approach to language acquisition . In this approach the components of language learning are viewed as interconnected. There is a balanced approach taken and focus on reading, writing, listening, speaking, and interacting. 

Students learn through content, curricular competencies, and big ideas. Students build on curricular competencies from year to year. Please refer to the Ministry of Education Curriculum document for further details. Stelly's Secondary offers many travel opportunities for language learners to further their language learning by visiting various Spanish-speaking regions. Please contact the department to inquire further about school trips, OSEF, and other travel programs. 

Spanish 9

Prior learning as a predictor of success: No previous Spanish knowledge necessary.

Big ideas for Spanish 9 include listening with intent, exploring cultural identities, having meaningful conversations, exploring stories and creative works, while deepening cultural understanding and building community. Students are expected to be able to recognize letter patterns, derive meaning from a variety of texts, exchange ideas and information using complete sentences, and use a variety of strategies to increase understanding.  Students will have opportunities to engage in experiences with Spanish-speaking people and communities. Curricular competencies include recognizing First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of Spanish culture.

Assessment will take place in a variety of ways and include listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. Students will be required to complete a final interview at the end of the course in addition to a cultural project.

Spanish 10

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Spanish 9

Big ideas for Spanish 10 include listening and viewing with intent, expressing oneself and engaging in conversation taking risks and showing perseverance and courage. Students will continue to strengthen their understanding  and increase language acquisition. Students express themselves in Spanish with growing fluency orally and in writing. They will explore new opportunities to appreciate and value creative works and cultural diversity. Acquiring a new language provides a unique opportunity to access and interact with diverse communities. Curricular competencies include recognizing First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of Spanish culture.

Assessment will take place in a variety of ways and include listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. Students will be required to complete a final interview at the end of the course in addition to a cultural project.

Spanish 11 - Introductory

This is an accelerated program combining Spanish 9 and Spanish 10. Upon completion of this course students are ready for Spanish 11. Skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking will be practiced and students will gain an appreciation for Spanish culture.

Big ideas include listening with intent, exploring cultural identities, having meaningful conversations, exploring stories and creative works, while deepening cultural understanding and building community. Students are expected to be able to recognize letter patterns, derive meaning from a variety of texts, exchange ideas and information using complete sentences, and use a variety of strategies to increase understanding.  Students will have opportunities to engage in experiences with Spanish-speaking people and communities. Curricular competencies include recognizing First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of Spanish culture.

Assessment will take place in a variety of ways and include listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. Students will be required to complete a final interview at the end of the course in addition to a cultural project.

Spanish 11

Prior learning as a predictor of success:  Spanish 10 or  Spanish 11 - Beginner

Study of the Spanish language continues with an emphasis on listening and viewing with intent, exploring how language and culture are interconnected and shape our perspective, identity, and voice. The communicative context determines how we express ourselves. Experiencing creative works promotes an understanding of cultures around  the world. Becoming proficient in a new language provides unique opportunities for careers, travel, personal growth, and study abroad. Students are expected to communicate ideas in past, present, and future time frames. Students will also be able to explain and justify opinions, and recognize First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of Spanish culture. More complex forms of expression will be used in day to day interactions. Students will also be required to analyze cultural points of view in text. 

Assessment will take place in a variety of ways and include listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. Students will be required to complete a final interview at the end of the course in addition to a cultural project.

Spanish 12

Effective communication skills continue to be stressed. Acquiring a language is a lifelong process. Sharing our feelings, opinions, and beliefs in a new language contributes to our identity. With increased language proficiency, we can discuss and justify opinions with nuance and clarity. Experiencing the creative works of other cultures helps us develop an appreciation of cultures worldwide. Proficiency in a new language allows us to understand global issues and explore opportunities for careers, travel, personal growth, and study abroad. Students will be expected to retrieve, research, and analyze information from authentic resources to complete meaningful tasks. Students will also explore and interpret a wide variety of texts. They will also analyze and compare elements of creative works from the Spanish-speaking world. Students will continue to recognize First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of Spanish culture.

Assessment will take place in a variety of ways and include listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. Students will be required to complete a final interview at the end of the course in addition to a cultural project.