Career Planning

For more detailed information see the following link to the Saanich Career Education web page: Career Planning

30 hours of Career Life Exploration

30 hours of Career Life Exploration which is 30 hours of experience in: 

For more detailed information see the following link to the Saanich Career Education web page: Work Experience-Career Life Connections 12.

Work Experience (WEx) 12A and 12B

In Work Experience 12A & 12B, a student spends 100-240 hours training at one or more worksites. By doing this, skills are learned and questions answered before career decisions are made. Students either choose work according to their current interests or a focus area. Students usually work during the evenings or weekends, but may also work during the regular school day depending on their program and class meeting schedule.

Benefits of Work Experience are:

Completion of WEx 12A or WEx 12B satisfies the 30-hour Career Life Exploration requirement as part of the Career Life Connections course. To get started, see a Career Planning Teacher in the Career Centre or choose WEx 12A (also add WEx 12B if you want 8 Graduation credits) on your course selection form. You may try to timetable it into the last block of each school day to have early release to attend the work site.

If you have further questions, contact a Career Teacher at Stelly's: 250-652-4401

Youth Work in Trades (YWIT)

Youth Work In Trades (WRK) 11A, 11B, 12A, 12B are all elective courses approximately 120 hours in duration.  

Students must be between the ages of 16-19 to participate in these courses.  The main purpose is to:

In order for students to participate in this very focused form of Work Experience, students must first become indentured as a Youth Apprentice with an employer in a specific trade.  The students must be supervised by a qualified trade practitioner with a Certificate of Qualification or Sign Off Authority. of these courses is two fold:

Though students may begin working for the employer doing one of the Work Experience courses (WEx 12A or 12B) in an unpaid capacity, they must be paid when participating in the Youth Work In Trades (WRK) courses.

Youth Work In Trades (WRK) 11A, 11B, 12A, 12B  are all credit courses that are customized to meet students’ career and educational needs for their specific chosen trade.  As such, a unique “training plan” must be created in consultation with the school based Career Teacher and workplace employer/supervisor prior to the commencement of each 120 hour time segment. 

Long-term work experience is open to Grade 10, 11 or 12 students who have an interest in pursuing any career field. See also the Shared Partnerships section of this Course Guide.