
Leadership Overview

Leaders shape the world around us every day; they create opportunity, innovate the ordinary, unite people, and empower others to find and raise their voices. People are rarely born with leadership skills. Rather, they are a result of years of service, training, reflection and application. At Stelly’s, our leadership programs aim to develop leaders in our diverse school community. We provide training in styles, organization and other key elements that give leaders a foundation from which to work. Our students go on to act as leaders in their chosen fields of study and work, their communities and in global organizations. We envision a school community full of young adults who know the value of their voice and know how to raise it in aid and support of others; it is through our community of leaders that our Stelly’s school life thrives!

Global Perspectives 11

Students will focus on problems faced by citizens in Brentwood Bay and Greater Victoria, including poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, environmental degradation, and immigration. Students will volunteer time at "Our Place Society" in Victoria, assist the Global Perspectives 12 class with their Gala Fundraiser and complete a “Local Community Action Project”.

This course is offered outside the regular timetable.

Copy of Global Gala.mp4

Global Perspectives 12

This course requires students to take on a major project in a developing country, or a major independent study of their choice, in order to gain their “Global Perspective.” Most requirements for this course are based on the evaluation of their major project or independent study and their group fundraising effort in the Global Gala. (Past classes have undertaken spring break projects in Haiti, Cuba, Belize, Peru, Nepal, Fiji, and India).

This course is offered outside the regular timetable.

Global Perspectives Promo (Short) - Nepal.mp4

Indigenous Leadership 9-12



Future Leaders of W̱SÁNEĆ

This course is open to any student who would like to learn about leadership through an Indigenous lens.

A core value of this course is to support leadership as an emerging quality specific to Indigenous values, knowledge and ways of being. Therefore, an emphasis is placed on student voice as well as consultation with Indigenous communities to envision and carry out leadership initiatives in the school and community.

Goals of Indigenous Leadership include:

  • To increase student awareness of Indigenous leadership, be exposed to opportunities where students can reflect on their roles as leaders, connect to their culture and reflect on values that are unique to Indigenous ways of being .

  • To mentor and facilitate students so they will initiate, organize and carry out leadership initiatives.

  • To implement an increased Indigenous presence in the school through Indigenous leadership participation in school events and the creation of Indigenous centered events and projects.

These goals will be achieved through cultural field trips, guest speakers/elders, land based learning activities, cultural workshops, language learning and student circles/meetings. An important outcome of this course is for students to reflect upon and identify their abilities as future leaders.

This course is offered outside the regular time table.

Copy of SENCOTEN Intro.m2t

Social Leadership 10-12

Do you have a passion for dreaming up, organizing, and running school social activities like dances, movie nights and fundraising for charities? Want to listen to and put into action ideas from across the grades? If you do, Social Leadership is for you! This class focuses on listening to and creating events for our grade 9 through 12 students over the school year. Students will focus on building and reflecting on their leadership skills and volunteering in the school and community. The community atmosphere in our class makes for a fun and challenging learning opportunity.

If space is available, Grade 9s are welcome to register for this course.

This course is offered outside the regular time table.