stelly's course guide

Please read this information BEFORE completing your course selection form.

At Stelly's, we believe that education should provide students with a wide variety of pathways to achieve their educational program and grow as individuals. To this end, we offer a host of programs and course offerings that enable students to transition to post-secondary, trades, the world of work, and opportunities for continuous exploration through travel.  Our goal is to help students explore the world of possibilities.

Graduation Program Requirements: 

Are you on the Right Path?

Given the many curriculum changes being introduced by the BC Ministry of Education, each grade currently has different requirements to reach graduation. Use the Grad Tracking Sheet appropriate to the year you will graduate to help you keep track of the courses you require.

Note: the information in these forms is subject to change due to on-going BC Ministry of Education curriculum decisions. The latest BC Ministry of Education information can be found on their web site:

Shared Partnerships

A number of education paths can be pursued in conjunction with the educational plan being offered at Stelly’s.  In an attempt to assist students who require flexible timetables and can accommodate accelerated, adapted programs as well as those who need to complete components or units of a specific course, a partnership between SD 63 Individual Learning Centres and/or SIDES (South Island Distance Education School) and other schools has been developed. There are also other alternative ways to demonstrate learning and earn credits. See a Stelly’s Counsellor for more information. Click the links below to see specific partnerships:

Claremont Secondary School

External Courses

Independent Directed Studies

Individual Learning Centre

Parkland Secondary School

SD63 Continuing Education

South Island Distance Education School (SIDES)


The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award - Canada

Excerpt from

“The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a non-competitive, internationally recognized program designed to encourage young people to develop positive skills and lifestyle habits.

The Award is about personal challenge and development and is adaptable according to each participant’s interests and abilities.

The strength of the Award is our ability to readily partner with other youth organizations through leader development and resource sharing.

The Award concept is one of individual challenge. It presents young people a balanced, not-competitive program of voluntary activities which encourages personal discovery and growth, self-reliance, perseverance, responsibility to themselves and service to their community. 

The unique flexibility of the Award makes it ideally suited to easy adaptation and integration into different cultures and societies. The basic principles of the Award remain the same but the activities and delivery continue to evolve and adapt to suit the changing demands of modern society and the varying needs of young people. The Award is now an international program recognized and used by organizations working with young people throughout the world.“

More information:


Getting started:

Territorial Acknowledgement

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach. 

The W̱SÁNEĆ people have lived and worked on this land since time immemorial.

Stellys Promo 2020 Public.mp4