Home Economics

Home Economics Overview

Home Economics is a department which offers students the opportunity to develop skills which will be useful into adulthood. Some of the themes reinforced in Foods courses will include learning about nutrition, thinking critically about where our food comes from and planning for wholesome and delicious meals. Sustainable Gardening courses build confidence in the science of growing fruit and vegetables and creating products with the harvest. Textiles courses teach skills for making, repairing and designing garments which will last much longer than the fast fashion of current society. Textile Arts and Crafts classes blend tradition, culture and art with function which in the past was passed from generation to generation. 

Grade 9

Food Studies 9

Do you enjoy eating great tasting food? Learn how to cook amazing dishes that you will be proud to cook for yourself and others. 

Learn the basics of food preparation using healthy and nutritious ingredients while working in teams on recipe challenges. Learn why safe food practices and kitchen safety are important in the kitchen.  Some of the topics covered will focus on local food, preservation, baking, breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks. Elements of garden preparation, planting, maintenance, harvesting will be taught from our school garden.

This course satisfies the Grade 9 applied design, skills and technology requirement.

Upcycling & Textiles 9

A focus on sustainability and current upcycling trends will be incorporated throughout this course. When you learn to hand sew and use a sewing machine, you open the door to endless possibilities to create functional new garments and repurpose and upcycle your old favourites! 

Textiles is a project based, skill building approach to learning which will explore fibre and fabric through the construction of textiles. Basic hand and machine sewing skills and techniques, pattern use, equipment use and safety will be covered while students create individual projects.  Students may be asked to provide their own materials and supplies, after consulting with their teacher.

This course satisfies the Grade 9 applied design, skills and technology requirement.

Textile Arts & Crafts 9

In this course, art is blended with function and form. Students will create handmade projects using techniques such as weaving, macrame, leatherwork, free style embroidery, knitting, crochet, beading and felting. Meaningful participation in projects give students a focus, provides purpose and meaning and teaches problem solving and perseverance. The current “Maker Movement” is the resurgence in handmade textile crafts. This movement, once borne of necessity, has recently grown in popularity. Learning sustainable textile arts skills reinforces appreciation for thoughtful handmade items in an era of fast trends and consumerism.  Although hand and machine sewing may be an aspect of this course, they are not the focal point. 

Grade 10

Food Studies 10

This course is open to all students in grades 10, 11, and 12.

Do you enjoy eating great tasting food? Learn how to cook amazing dishes that you will be proud to cook for yourself and others. 

Students will continue to develop cooking skills as they continue to learn new techniques while cooking new recipes, participate in challenges, and learn about local and Indigenous foods.  Students will learn how to be a wise shopper and plan nutritious meals on a budget and why processed foods don’t satisfy hunger for long. Elements of garden preparation, planting, maintenance, harvesting will be taught from our school garden.

This course satisfies the Grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Sustainable Gardening 10

Stelly’s is located in the heart of agriculture yet many of us don’t stop to consider where our food comes from and how it is produced. This is your chance to learn the fundamentals in the life cycle of growing food in our west coast landscape. Learn how to prepare healthy soil, design a garden bed, and working in small groups plant, tend and harvest food. Learn to make products with some of the harvest and prepare greens and herbs to supply our school community.

Upcycling & Textiles 10

A focus on sustainability and current upcycling trends will be incorporated throughout this course.  Open the doors to endless possibilities to create functional and unique new garments!  Repurpose and upcycle your old favourites! 

This course is designed for students who want to learn to sew or improve their skills. Textiles is a project based, skill building approach to learning which will explore fibre and fabric through the construction of textile items. Students will further their knowledge of fabrics, commercial patterns and fitting techniques.  An element of this course will cover the value of upcycling through repurposing of materials, repairing favourite items and reworking garments into new unique creations. Hand and machine sewing skills and techniques, pattern use, equipment use and safety will be covered while the students create individual projects. Students may be asked to provide their own materials and supplies, after consulting with their teacher.

This course satisfies the Grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Textile Arts & Crafts 10

Do you like to be creative but think you don’t enjoy sewing? Many projects are possible without the limitations of “following a pattern”. Once the basic mechanics of a technique are understood, your imagination is your guide! 

Blending ideas with craft will produce many thoughtful and unique projects. Students can make projects using techniques such as weaving, macrame, leatherwork, free style embroidery, knitting, crochet, beading and felting. Students will create a minimum of five beginner projects. Although hand and machine sewing may be an aspect of this course, they are not the focal point. 

Grade 11

International Food Studies 11

Canadian cuisine is a melting pot of food traditions from all over the world. Join this class where you will get to explore authentic recipes from around the world. 

Often combined with Foods 12, this course focuses on two year rotating themes of International Foods, Pastry and Baking and Local Foods. Learn about the culture of food from different areas of the world and how to make rich and delicious meals which are typical of specific countries. Students will also continue to extend their knowledge of current local and global issues around food justice, safe food production and policies, nutritional claims, food marketing and Indigenous food sovereignty. Students will work cooperatively in groups to evaluate, select, and/or create new recipes. 

This course satisfies the Grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Sustainable Gardening 11

Food security means having access to healthy food, this is your opportunity to learn about the slow food movement while you plan and design a productive garden.  By the end of this course, you will understand the life cycle of food; from soil preparation, planting cycles, tending, pest management, pruning, thinning, harvesting, preparation, preserving, and preparing food and products for yourself and the community. Field trips will be planned to view, first hand, various local farms, gardens and natural areas where Indigenous plants thrive. 

Upcycling & Textiles 11

A focus on sustainability and current upcycling trends will be incorporated throughout this course.  While furthering their knowledge of fabrics, commercial patterns and fitting techniques, students will create a fitted garment, draft and manipulate patterns, and experiment  with surface embellishment. An element of this course will cover the value of upcycling through repurposing of materials, repairing favourite items and reworking garments into new unique creations. Students will research local designers to find inspiration for their own fashion aesthetic. Students will create a portfolio and a minimum of three intermediate textile projects. Students may be asked to provide their own materials and supplies, after consulting with their teacher.

This course satisfies the Grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Textile Arts & Design 11

Students continue to learn and create projects using a variety of techniques such as hand dying, beadwork, weaving, macrame, leatherwork, free style embroidery, knitting, crochet, and felting. Environmental implications, historical and cultural aspects of textile art are considered as students develop their unique style. Growth as an artist and designer are dependant on perseverance, resilience, refinement and reflection. Research of local designers will influence one master project during this course. Students will research the viability of developing their designs into a small business. Although hand and machine sewing may be an aspect of this course, it is not necessarily the focal point. 

Grade 12

International Food Studies 12

Canadian cuisine is a melting pot of food traditions from all over the world. Join this class where you will get to explore authentic recipes from around the world. 

Often combined with Foods 11, this course focuses on two year rotating themes of International Foods, Pastry and Baking and Local Foods. Learn about the culture of food from different areas of the world and how to make rich and delicious meals which are typical of specific countries. Students will also continue to extend their knowledge of current local and global issues around food justice, safe food production and policies, nutritional claims, food marketing and Indigenous food sovereignty. Students will work cooperatively in groups to evaluate, select, and/or create new recipes.

This course satisfies the Grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Upcycling & Textiles 12

A focus on sustainability and current upcycling trends will be incorporated throughout this course.  For students with a strong interest in fashion design or sewing construction or wishing to master advanced sewing skills, this course challenges students to create a collection of three required advanced level textile projects. Choices of projects may include modern, cultural, historical or theatrical clothing and/or accessories, redesigned clothing and/or accessories, flat pattern, pattern drafting, advanced sewing techniques and textile art. Students may be asked to provide their own materials and supplies, after consulting with their teacher.

This course satisfies the Grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Textile Arts & Design 12

Students continue to learn and create projects using a variety of techniques such as hand dying, beadwork, weaving, macrame, leatherwork, free style embroidery, knitting, crochet, and felting. Environmental implications, historical and cultural aspects of textile art are considered as students develop their unique style. Growth as an artist and designer are dependant on perseverance, resilience, refinement and reflection. Research of local designers will influence one master project during this course. Students will research the viability of developing their designs into a small business. Although hand and machine sewing may be an aspect of this course, it is not necessarily the focal point.