Social Studies

Grade 9

Social Studies 9

Exploring Canadian and World history between 1750 and 1919, the new Social Studies 9 curriculum for BC encourages students to understand how Canada came into existence and why Canadian attitudes and values are relevant in our world today. Students will look at a variety of topics such as: why revolutions happen, the continuing effect of colonialism on Indigenous peoples, and the delicate balance between jobs, resource use, and protecting the environment. Stelly’s emphasizes the inquiry process and critical thinking skills and promotes individual choice and varieties of meaningful projects with real world connections. Social Studies 9 will inform students and help them identify how they can affect change now and in the future as active global citizens.

French Immersions students take Sciences Humaines 9 instead. See French Immersion for more information.

Grade 10

Social Studies 10

Social Studies 10 continues student development of inquiry and critical thinking skills on issues connected to Canada and the world in the 20th and 21st centuries. Some topics we will cover include global and regional conflicts, government systems, historical wrongs, and impacts on the environment that challenge Canada and international communities. We will incorporate Indigenous as well as historical and contemporary perspectives in our classes. Students will learn about Canada’s place in the world and how they can participate in both Canada and the global community.

French Immersions students take Sciences Humaines 10 instead. See French Immersion for more information.

Grade 11

Social Studies 11 - Explorations

This is the ideal course for students who are interested in a solid foundation for further Social Studies courses. It offers an opportunity to enhance Social Studies skills such as assessing historical significance, examining various kinds of evidence, considering different perspectives, and making ethical judgements. It will also meet the needs of students who are unsure of what they wish to study at the grade 12 level, as it offers a sampling of various courses such as Comparative Cultures, Political Studies, and Contemporary Indigenous Studies. This course will satisfy the new Graduation requirements for Social Studies and provide opportunities for individual choice and inquiry in a supportive community of learners.

French Immersions students take Sciences Humaines 11 instead. See French Immersion for more information.

Grade 12

20th Century World History 12

This course is a popular choice for students who wish to understand the roots of many of the events unfolding in our world today. However, it is more than just an examination of the major happenings of the 20th century. It offers students an opportunity to question traditional interpretations of history and look at broader perspectives than may have been previously explored. Concepts covered are diverse, and may include examining nationalist movements, opposing ideologies, and technological and economic changes that have both negatively and positively affected our world. Students will be encouraged to enquire into areas of personal interest on topics related to events such as World War I & II, the rise of Communism, the Cold War, the United Nations and the Arms Race. While providing a foundation for post-secondary studies in history, this course will also equip students to examine events that happen in their lifetimes with greater depth and context.

Comparative Cultures 12

This is the course to take for students who plan to travel anywhere in the world, or who are intrigued by different cultures. We will examine the diversity and commonalities of peoples of different times and places. The earliest of cultures such as those of Mesopotamia, Asia, and Central America will be compared to the most modern of cultures such as those evolving in the digital age. Topics include the origins and development of cultures around the world, various elements of culture, (such as language, art, technology, trade, belief systems, and governance), and the interactions between cultures and their natural environments. Students will have opportunities to pursue areas of individual passion and will collaborate to determine areas of class focus. While providing a foundation for post-secondary studies in fields such as history, anthropology, and sociology, this course will also enrich students’ appreciation of humanity and their own cultures.

Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12

This course will integrate place-based and experiential learning opportunities. Core units throughout this course will be grounded by local W̱SÁNEĆ knowledges and ways of being. Students will learn how the identities, worldviews, and language of Indigenous peoples are renewed, sustained, and transformed through connections to the land. As students work through the course, we will examine the factors that sustain and challenge the identities and worldviews of Indigenous peoples and alternatively, the resilience and survival of Indigenous peoples in the face of colonialism. An ongoing theme in this course will be for students to consider restoring balance through truth, healing, and reconciliation in Canada and around the world.

Genocide Studies 12

This course examines genocides that have occurred in the 20th Century around the world. Topics that may be covered include the origins and the complex development of the term genocide and the economic, political, social and cultural conditions of genocide. Students will also look at recognition and responses to genocides, strategies and technology that carried out genocides, and international law and enforcement. Students will assess significance, look at evidence, compare and contrast, as well as look at continuity and change.

Human Geography 12

Geography is a way of looking at the Earth, its systems and its parts to gain a better understanding of how the parts are connected and influenced. In Human Geography 12 students will explore global patterns of human settlement and demographics. By examining geographic evidence, students will learn to interpret geographic patterns and see how human activities and choices, and physical features and natural resources, influence each other. Students will assess and evaluate the influence of human cultural relationships to the land, including First People's relationships, agricultural practices, industrialization, politics and major historical trends and events that have played a role in creating and altering the human and physical geography of the Earth. Inquiry learning is emphasized in Human Geography 12, as students will make ethical judgements about some of the controversial actions and choices we have made (i.e. resources extraction, the food industry and climate change).

Law Studies 12

Law Studies 12 is a course that allows students to become active participants in their learning. Students take part in a riveting public Mock Trial and will launch "lawsuits." They hear from a variety of guest speakers involved directly with the law. Some past guests include: police officers, detectives, crown/defence lawyers, and prison guards. Law classes also travel to the Victoria Law Courts to watch the Provincial and Supreme courts in action. Finally, students learn to write contracts, prepare other legal documents and participate in discussions on current legal issues. The course covers the History of Law, students’ rights as Canadians (Charter of Rights) and criminal law topics including courtroom procedures, sentencing issues, Criminal Code, prisons, Young Offenders, legal defences and arrests. Law 12 will also focus on Indigenous legal precedents and local First Nations' legal victories.