Performing Arts

Performing Arts Compilation Video final.mp4

Grade 9

Concert Band - Junior

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Students with 2-3 years experience on a band instrument.

Are you a grade 9 student interested in playing your instrument in a large band and participating in the yearly music trip? If your answer is yes, then join this course and pack your bags! During your time in this course you will learn a variety of musical styles from popular music, marches, classical and jazz. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

This course is offered outside the regular time table.

This is a year long course combined with English 9.

Jazz Band 9

Grade 9 students must talk to Mr. Ziegler ( prior to registering in Jazz Band 9 to see what skill level is required.

Note that all members of this group must also register and participate in Concert Band 9-12.

This course is year long and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

Guitar: Beginner 9

Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar? If so consider joining this course! No guitar experience or musical knowledge is required. The basics of note reading, finger picking, and chording will be covered. Students must provide their own acoustic (not electric) guitar. If you have any questions please contact Mr.Ziegler (

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Guitar: Intermediate/Advanced 9

Want to continue working on your guitar skills? This course is open to grade 9-12 students who have completed the Beginner course, have taken private lessons or have permission from Mr.Ziegler. Guitar experience and musical knowledge is required. Note reading, right and left hand techniques and a variety of musical styles will be covered. Students will have the opportunity to work on and to perform their own compositions. Students must provide their own acoustic (not electric) guitar.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance Beginner 9

Prior learning as a predictor of success: No prior dance experience is necessary.

This course introduces the beginner dancer to the world of dance and is open to both male and female students. This course is for students who want to learn basic technique, vocabulary and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Lyrical / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). It is also a great course for athletes, musical theatre and drama students, and anyone interested in living a healthy and active lifestyle. Students must be open to daily participation in ALL dance styles, have a positive attitude, a good work ethic and be willing to take part in a public performance at the end of the semester.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance Intermediate 9

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with 2-3 years in two or more dance styles.

This course is designed for the intermediate dancer with some previous dance experience inside or outside of school to improve their dance technique, vocabulary and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Lyrical / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap).

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance 9 - Performance (One semester)

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with more than 4 years in at least two or more dance styles.

This course is designed for the advanced dancer who wishes to further develop dance technique and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Contemporary, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). Students should be aware that this class moves at an advanced pace, meaning students are expected to know ballet/jazz technique and vocabulary. There may be an opportunity to perform at the Saanich Dance Festival. Students taking dance performance are also required to choreograph a solo or duet outside of class time.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance 9 - Performance (Year long)

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with more than 4 years in at least two or more dance styles.

This course is for the advanced dancer who is passionate about dancing and is committed to improving their dance skills and technique in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Contemporary / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). This course offers more instruction, theory, and performance opportunities than the regular program. This is a year-long class worth eight credits. Students need dance/exercise clothing and footwear.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Drama 9

This course is a transitional course between creative drama and formal theatre. Students will work independently, in small groups and as a whole class to create theatre. This course focuses on developing the tools needed as an actor, including vocal characterization and projection, non-verbal communication and physicality, and character development through improvisation and scripted work. This class fosters creativity, commitment and cooperation.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grade 10, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Musical Theatre 9 - Drama Theatre Performance

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous training in drama, dance or music would be an asset but is not a requirement.

Students will learn the “triple threat skills” (acting, singing and dancing) required in musical theatre performance. They will be introduced to the history and production aspects of musical theatre through a variety of resources. The goals of this program are to foster self-esteem, responsibility, teamwork and a lifelong appreciation for the arts. The course will culminate in a public performance based on the acquired skills.

This course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

Concert Choir 9

If you are enthusiastic about singing then this course is for you! Musical knowledge is an asset but not required. This course is open to all students who wish to sing for enjoyment. A variety of music repertoire will be covered including classical, jazz, folk, pop and musical theatre. Proper vocal delivery and polished stage presence will be emphasized. This year long course meets on Tuesday, Wednesday, and every second Friday during lunch time. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10-12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

This course is offered outside the regular time table.

Vocal Jazz 9

Prior Learning as a predictor of success: Previous singing knowledge

Grade 9 students are encouraged to join but must first email Mr. Ziegler ( to discuss skill level. Students must be able to read music at the advanced level and may have to audition for this course. It is of utmost importance that the group is balanced (6 Sopranos, 6 Altos, 6 Tenor and 6 Bass voices).

If you love to sing and want to sing at a high level with others then this is the class for you! Students should have a keen interest in singing jazz and pop. Emphasis will be on jazz articulations, improvisation, microphone technique and on-stage performance. This ensemble will have the opportunity to perform frequently and solo performances are expected. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This is a year long course and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Stagecraft Technology 9 (Theatre Production)

Are you interested in the production part of concerts and shows? If your answer is yes then this is the class for you! No previous experience is necessary. During your time in this course, you will learn how to create and design scenery, build props, set lighting, and sound for various theatrical productions. Scene construction involves the use of carpentry, props, textures, hues, and paint to bring a production to life. Lighting sets the mood, and sound design ensures the audience will hear exactly what the director wants. Students run the “behind the scenes” show, during our productions. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This is a year long course and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Grade 10

Concert Band - Senior

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Concert Band - Junior or students with 3-4 years experience on a band instrument

Are you a grade 10, 11 or 12 student interested in creating glorious fun epic music? Do you want to participate in the yearly music trip? If you are saying yes, then this is the course for you! Performance techniques and music reading skills should be at the advanced level. During your time in this course you will develop skills in sight-reading, technique, tone, intonation, rhythm, articulation and more. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

This course is offered outside the regular time table.

Jazz Band 10

Are you interested in playing jazz, funk, latin, rock music? Do you want to be part of an awesome band and participate in the yearly music trip? If your answers are yes then it is time to join this course. This is an enriched band course for advanced band students who have reached a high note reading skill level and an advanced playing level. Instruments accepted into this ensemble include: (Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Piano, Bass, Guitar, Drums). Please Note that all members of this group must also participate in Concert Band 9-12. This group plays many concerts throughout the school year as it is much smaller and more versatile group then the concert band.

This course is year long and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Musical Theatre Pit Orchestra 10

Are you interested in being part of Stelly's biggest production of the year? Do you play an instrument? If you are saying yes then this course is for you! This course runs inside the timetable and is only open to grade 10-12 students, requiring approval from teachers. The orchestra music is very challenging and requires a great deal of commitment and dedication. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum. The course finishes with a week long run of the musical theatre show in early January.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Guitar: Beginner 10

Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar? If so consider joining this course! No guitar experience or musical knowledge is required. The basics of note reading, finger picking, and chording will be covered. Students must provide their own acoustic (not electric) guitar. If you have any questions please contact Mr.Ziegler (

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Guitar: Intermediate/Advanced 10

Want to continue working on your guitar skills? This course is open to grade 9-12 students who have completed the Beginner course, have taken private lessons or have permission from Mr.Ziegler. Guitar experience and musical knowledge is required. Note reading, right and left hand techniques and a variety of musical styles will be covered. Students will have the opportunity to work on and to perform their own compositions. Students must provide their own acoustic (not electric) guitar.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance Beginner 10

Prior learning as a predictor of success: No prior dance experience is necessary.

This course introduces the beginner dancer to the world of dance and is open to both male and female students. This course is for students who want to learn basic technique, vocabulary and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Lyrical / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). It is also a great course for athletes, musical theatre and drama students, and anyone interested in living a healthy and active lifestyle. Students must be open to daily participation in ALL dance styles, have a positive attitude, a good work ethic and be willing to take part in a public performance at the end of the semester.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance Intermediate 10

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with 2-3 years in two or more dance styles.

This course is designed for the intermediate dancer with some previous dance experience inside or outside of school to improve their dance technique, vocabulary and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Lyrical / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap).

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance Choreography 10

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with more than four years dance experience in at least two different styles of dance.

This course is designed for the advanced dancer who wishes to further develop dance technique and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Contemporary, Hip-hop and Tap). Students should be aware that this class moves at an advanced pace, meaning students are expected to know ballet/jazz technique and vocabulary. There may be an opportunity to perform at the Saanich Dance Festival. Students taking dance choreography are also required to choreograph a dance for a large group or the entire class.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance 10 - Performance (One semester)

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with more than 4 years in at least two or more dance styles.

This course is designed for the advanced dancer who wishes to further develop dance technique and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Contemporary, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). Students should be aware that this class moves at an advanced pace, meaning students are expected to know ballet/jazz technique and vocabulary. There may be an opportunity to perform at the Saanich Dance Festival. Students taking dance performance are also required to choreograph a solo or duet outside of class time.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance 10 - Performance (Year long)

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with more than 4 years in at least two or more dance styles.

This course is for the advanced dancer who is passionate about dancing and is committed to improving their dance skills and technique in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Contemporary / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). This course offers more instruction, theory, and performance opportunities than the regular program. This is a year-long class worth eight credits. Students need dance/exercise clothing and footwear.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Drama 10

This course is a transitional course between creative drama and formal theatre. Students will work independently, in small groups and as a whole class to create theatre. This course focuses on developing the tools needed as an actor, including vocal characterization and projection, non-verbal communication and physicality, and character development through improvisation and scripted work. This class fosters creativity, commitment and cooperation.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grade 10, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Musical Theatre 10 - Drama Theatre Performance

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Musical Theatre 9 or previous training in drama, dance or music would be an asset but is not a requirement.

Students will continue to develop the “triple threat skills” (acting, singing and dancing). They will learn more advanced production aspects, expand their knowledge of musical theatre repertoire, and improve their audition skills. Students will refine their professional qualities including theatre etiquette, responsibility, teamwork and leadership. The course will culminate in a public performance based on the acquired skills.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Concert Choir 10

If you are enthusiastic about singing then this course is for you! Musical knowledge is an asset but not required. This course is open to all students who wish to sing for enjoyment. A variety of music repertoire will be covered including classical, jazz, folk, pop and musical theatre. Proper vocal delivery and polished stage presence will be emphasized. This year long course meets on Tuesday, Wednesday, and every second Friday during lunch time. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10-12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

This course is offered outside the regular time table.

Vocal Jazz 10

Prior Learning as a predictor of success: Previous singing knowledge

Grade 9 students are encouraged to join but must first email Mr. Ziegler ( to discuss skill level. Students must be able to read music at the advanced level and may have to audition for this course. It is of utmost importance that the group is balanced (6 Sopranos, 6 Altos, 6 Tenor and 6 Bass voices).

If you love to sing and want to sing at a high level with others then this is the class for you! Students should have a keen interest in singing jazz and pop. Emphasis will be on jazz articulations, improvisation, microphone technique and on-stage performance. This ensemble will have the opportunity to perform frequently and solo performances are expected. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This is a year long course and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Stagecraft Technology 10 (Theatre Production)

Are you interested in the production part of concerts and shows? If your answer is yes then this is the class for you! No previous experience is necessary. During your time in this course, you will learn how to create and design scenery, build props, set lighting, and sound for various theatrical productions. Scene construction involves the use of carpentry, props, textures, hues, and paint to bring a production to life. Lighting sets the mood, and sound design ensures the audience will hear exactly what the director wants. Students run the “behind the scenes” show, during our productions. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This is a year long course and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Grade 11

Concert Band - Senior

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Concert Band - Junior or students with 3-4 years experience on a band instrument

Are you a grade 10, 11 or 12 student interested in creating glorious fun epic music? Do you want to participate in the yearly music trip? If you are saying yes, then this is the course for you! Performance techniques and music reading skills should be at the advanced level. During your time in this course you will develop skills in sight-reading, technique, tone, intonation, rhythm, articulation and more. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

This course is offered outside the regular time table.

Jazz Band 11

Are you interested in playing jazz, funk, latin, rock music? Do you want to be part of an awesome band and participate in the yearly music trip? If your answers are yes then it is time to join this course. This is an enriched band course for advanced band students who have reached a high note reading skill level and an advanced playing level. Instruments accepted into this ensemble include: (Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Piano, Bass, Guitar, Drums). Please Note that all members of this group must also participate in Concert Band 9-12. This group plays many concerts throughout the school year as it is much smaller and more versatile group then the concert band.

This course is year long and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Musical Theatre Pit Orchestra 11

Are you interested in being part of Stelly's biggest production of the year? Do you play an instrument? If you are saying yes then this course is for you! This course runs inside the timetable and is only open to grade 10-12 students, requiring approval from teachers. The orchestra music is very challenging and requires a great deal of commitment and dedication. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum. The course finishes with a week long run of the musical theatre show in early January.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Guitar: Beginner 11

Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar? If so consider joining this course! No guitar experience or musical knowledge is required. The basics of note reading, finger picking, and chording will be covered. Students must provide their own acoustic (not electric) guitar. If you have any questions please contact Mr.Ziegler (

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Guitar: Intermediate/Advanced 11

Want to continue working on your guitar skills? This course is open to grade 9-12 students who have completed the Beginner course, have taken private lessons or have permission from Mr.Ziegler. Guitar experience and musical knowledge is required. Note reading, right and left hand techniques and a variety of musical styles will be covered. Students will have the opportunity to work on and to perform their own compositions. Students must provide their own acoustic (not electric) guitar.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance Beginner 11

Prior learning as a predictor of success: No prior dance experience is necessary.

This course introduces the beginner dancer to the world of dance and is open to both male and female students. This course is for students who want to learn basic technique, vocabulary and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Lyrical / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). It is also a great course for athletes, musical theatre and drama students, and anyone interested in living a healthy and active lifestyle. Students must be open to daily participation in ALL dance styles, have a positive attitude, a good work ethic and be willing to take part in a public performance at the end of the semester.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance Intermediate 11

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with 2-3 years in two or more dance styles.

This course is designed for the intermediate dancer with some previous dance experience inside or outside of school to improve their dance technique, vocabulary and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Lyrical / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap).

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance Choreography 11

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with more than four years dance experience in at least two different styles of dance.

This course is designed for the advanced dancer who wishes to further develop dance technique and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Contemporary, Hip-hop and Tap). Students should be aware that this class moves at an advanced pace, meaning students are expected to know ballet/jazz technique and vocabulary. There may be an opportunity to perform at the Saanich Dance Festival. Students taking dance choreography are also required to choreograph a dance for a large group or the entire class.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance 11 - Performance (One semester)

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with more than 4 years in at least two or more dance styles.

This course is designed for the advanced dancer who wishes to further develop dance technique and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Contemporary, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). Students should be aware that this class moves at an advanced pace, meaning students are expected to know ballet/jazz technique and vocabulary. There may be an opportunity to perform at the Saanich Dance Festival. Students taking dance performance are also required to choreograph a solo or duet outside of class time.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance 11 - Performance (Year long)

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with more than 4 years in at least two or more dance styles.

This course is for the advanced dancer who is passionate about dancing and is committed to improving their dance skills and technique in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Contemporary / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). This course offers more instruction, theory, and performance opportunities than the regular program. This is a year-long class worth eight credits. Students need dance/exercise clothing and footwear.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Drama 11

Prior Learning as a predictor of success: Drama 9 or 10

Students will develop more specialized theatre skills. Acting techniques will be fostered through play building, scripted text and film work. Students will have the opportunity to create original work, as well as scripted pieces, for a major production that may include a 'film festival' or a play. Production skills will also be developed, with opportunities for costuming and makeup for the theatre, promotion, set development and directing.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Musical Theatre 11

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Musical Theatre 9/10 or previous training in drama, dance or music would be an asset but is not a requirement.

Students will showcase their “triple threat skills” (acting, singing and dancing) in the presentation of a major musical or musical review. This is an enriched performing arts course; a high level of professionalism, achievement and commitment is required. Extra rehearsals and performances outside of class time are considered part of the curriculum. Students wanting the technical component of the course should register in Theatre Production 11 or 12. Students interested in the orchestral section of the course should consult with the music director.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Concert Choir 11

If you are enthusiastic about singing then this course is for you! Musical knowledge is an asset but not required. This course is open to all students who wish to sing for enjoyment. A variety of music repertoire will be covered including classical, jazz, folk, pop and musical theatre. Proper vocal delivery and polished stage presence will be emphasized. This year long course meets on Tuesday, Wednesday, and every second Friday during lunch time. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10-12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

This course is offered outside the regular time table.

Vocal Jazz 11

Prior Learning as a predictor of success: Previous singing knowledge

Grade 9 students are encouraged to join but must first email Mr. Ziegler ( to discuss skill level. Students must be able to read music at the advanced level and may have to audition for this course. It is of utmost importance that the group is balanced (6 Sopranos, 6 Altos, 6 Tenor and 6 Bass voices).

If you love to sing and want to sing at a high level with others then this is the class for you! Students should have a keen interest in singing jazz and pop. Emphasis will be on jazz articulations, improvisation, microphone technique and on-stage performance. This ensemble will have the opportunity to perform frequently and solo performances are expected. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This is a year long course and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Music Composition & Technology 11

Are you interested in composition, theory, writing, producing, recording and editing music? If yes, then this course is for you. Students enrolled in this course should have basic note reading skills and play an instrument to a basic level. In this course, there will be an emphasis on music theory, ear training, listening, recording and editing. Projects will include composing and arranging in a variety of musical styles, music technology and exploring the career and biographies of several composers/arrangers.

Stagecraft Technology 11 (Theatre Production)

Are you interested in the production part of concerts and shows? If your answer is yes then this is the class for you! No previous experience is necessary. During your time in this course, you will learn how to create and design scenery, build props, set lighting, and sound for various theatrical productions. Scene construction involves the use of carpentry, props, textures, hues, and paint to bring a production to life. Lighting sets the mood, and sound design ensures the audience will hear exactly what the director wants. Students run the “behind the scenes” show, during our productions. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This is a year long course and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Grade 12

Concert Band - Senior

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Concert Band - Junior or students with 3-4 years experience on a band instrument

Are you a grade 10, 11 or 12 student interested in creating glorious fun epic music? Do you want to participate in the yearly music trip? If you are saying yes, then this is the course for you! Performance techniques and music reading skills should be at the advanced level. During your time in this course you will develop skills in sight-reading, technique, tone, intonation, rhythm, articulation and more. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

This course is offered outside the regular time table.

Jazz Band 12

Are you interested in playing jazz, funk, latin, rock music? Do you want to be part of an awesome band and participate in the yearly music trip? If your answers are yes then it is time to join this course. This is an enriched band course for advanced band students who have reached a high note reading skill level and an advanced playing level. Instruments accepted into this ensemble include: (Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Piano, Bass, Guitar, Drums). Please Note that all members of this group must also participate in Concert Band 9-12. This group plays many concerts throughout the school year as it is much smaller and more versatile group then the concert band.

This course is year long and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Musical Theatre Pit Orchestra 12

Are you interested in being part of Stelly's biggest production of the year? Do you play an instrument? If you are saying yes then this course is for you! This course runs inside the timetable and is only open to grade 10-12 students, requiring approval from teachers. The orchestra music is very challenging and requires a great deal of commitment and dedication. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum. The course finishes with a week long run of the musical theatre show in early January.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Guitar: Beginner 12

Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar? If so consider joining this course! No guitar experience or musical knowledge is required. The basics of note reading, finger picking, and chording will be covered. Students must provide their own acoustic (not electric) guitar. If you have any questions please contact Mr.Ziegler (

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Guitar: Intermediate/Advanced 12

Want to continue working on your guitar skills? This course is open to grade 9-12 students who have completed the Beginner course, have taken private lessons or have permission from Mr.Ziegler. Guitar experience and musical knowledge is required. Note reading, right and left hand techniques and a variety of musical styles will be covered. Students will have the opportunity to work on and to perform their own compositions. Students must provide their own acoustic (not electric) guitar.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance Beginner 12

Prior learning as a predictor of success: No prior dance experience is necessary.

This course introduces the beginner dancer to the world of dance and is open to both male and female students. This course is for students who want to learn basic technique, vocabulary and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Lyrical / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). It is also a great course for athletes, musical theatre and drama students, and anyone interested in living a healthy and active lifestyle. Students must be open to daily participation in ALL dance styles, have a positive attitude, a good work ethic and be willing to take part in a public performance at the end of the semester.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance Intermediate 12

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with 2-3 years in two or more dance styles.

This course is designed for the intermediate dancer with some previous dance experience inside or outside of school to improve their dance technique, vocabulary and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Lyrical / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap).

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance Choreography 12

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with more than four years dance experience in at least two different styles of dance.

This course is designed for the advanced dancer who wishes to further develop dance technique and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Contemporary, Hip-hop and Tap). Students should be aware that this class moves at an advanced pace, meaning students are expected to know ballet/jazz technique and vocabulary. There may be an opportunity to perform at the Saanich Dance Festival. Students taking dance choreography are also required to choreograph a dance for a large group or the entire class.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance 12 - Performance (One semester)

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with more than 4 years in at least two or more dance styles.

This course is designed for the advanced dancer who wishes to further develop dance technique and choreography in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Contemporary, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). Students should be aware that this class moves at an advanced pace, meaning students are expected to know ballet/jazz technique and vocabulary. There may be an opportunity to perform at the Saanich Dance Festival. Students taking dance performance are also required to choreograph a solo or duet outside of class time.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Dance 12 - Performance (Year long)

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Previous dance experience inside or outside of school with more than 4 years in at least two or more dance styles.

This course is for the advanced dancer who is passionate about dancing and is committed to improving their dance skills and technique in the core areas of dance (Jazz, Contemporary / Modern, Pow-wow, Hip-hop and Tap). This course offers more instruction, theory, and performance opportunities than the regular program. This is a year-long class worth eight credits. Students need dance/exercise clothing and footwear.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Drama 12

Prior Learning as a predictor of success: Drama 9 or 10

Students will develop more specialized theatre skills. Acting techniques will be fostered through play building, scripted text and film work. Students will have the opportunity to create original work, as well as scripted pieces, for a major production that may include a 'film festival' or a play. Production skills will also be developed, with opportunities for costuming and makeup for the theatre, promotion, set development and directing.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Musical Theatre 12

Prior learning as a predictor of success: Musical Theatre 9/10 or previous training in drama, dance or music would be an asset but is not a requirement.

Students will showcase their “triple threat skills” (acting, singing and dancing) in the presentation of a major musical or musical review. This is an enriched performing arts course; a high level of professionalism, achievement and commitment is required. Extra rehearsals and performances outside of class time are considered part of the curriculum. Students wanting the technical component of the course should register in Theatre Production 11 or 12. Students interested in the orchestral section of the course should consult with the music director.

This course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Concert Choir 12

If you are enthusiastic about singing then this course is for you! Musical knowledge is an asset but not required. This course is open to all students who wish to sing for enjoyment. A variety of music repertoire will be covered including classical, jazz, folk, pop and musical theatre. Proper vocal delivery and polished stage presence will be emphasized. This year long course meets on Tuesday, Wednesday, and every second Friday during lunch time. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10-12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

This course is offered outside the regular time table.

Vocal Jazz 12

Prior Learning as a predictor of success: Previous singing knowledge

Grade 9 students are encouraged to join but must first email Mr. Ziegler ( to discuss skill level. Students must be able to read music at the advanced level and may have to audition for this course. It is of utmost importance that the group is balanced (6 Sopranos, 6 Altos, 6 Tenor and 6 Bass voices).

If you love to sing and want to sing at a high level with others then this is the class for you! Students should have a keen interest in singing jazz and pop. Emphasis will be on jazz articulations, improvisation, microphone technique and on-stage performance. This ensemble will have the opportunity to perform frequently and solo performances are expected. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This is a year long course and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Music Composition & Technology 12

Are you interested in composition, theory, writing, producing, recording and editing music? If yes, then this course is for you. Students enrolled in this course should have basic note reading skills and play an instrument to a basic level. In this course, there will be an emphasis on music theory, ear training, listening, recording and editing. Projects will include composing and arranging in a variety of musical styles, music technology and exploring the career and biographies of several composers/arrangers.

Stagecraft Technology 12 (Theatre Production)

Are you interested in the production part of concerts and shows? If your answer is yes then this is the class for you! No previous experience is necessary. During your time in this course, you will learn how to create and design scenery, build props, set lighting, and sound for various theatrical productions. Scene construction involves the use of carpentry, props, textures, hues, and paint to bring a production to life. Lighting sets the mood, and sound design ensures the audience will hear exactly what the director wants. Students run the “behind the scenes” show, during our productions. Extra rehearsals and performances are considered part of the curriculum.

This is a year long course and is offered outside the timetable.

If taken in grade 9, this course satisfies the grade 9 arts education requirement.

If taken in grades 10, 11 or 12, this course satisfies the grade 10-12 arts education/applied design, skills and technology graduation requirement.

Performing Arts - Course Guide
January 21, 2019 at 1_06 p.m. 2019-01-21 13-21-36.mp4