

After being deprived from art classes for the past 4 years stepping into a freshmen only, beginner art class, as a senior was a little intimidating. I was not confident in my artistic skills at the beginning of this year and it took me a few months to start up my creativity again. For a while I believed art class shouldn't be mandatory, especially for science and math based students like me who struggle in the fine arts categories. However, after completing this course, I've realized I was very wrong. I now understand why an art credit is required to graduation and how it is beneficial to all types of students. For instance, art class gave me an outlet to express what was going on in my life at that time. Although sometimes frustrating and time consuming, that outlet provided some type of relief from stress and anxiety that surrounds other school and non school related subjects. Not only did I grow artistically, but I also grew intellectually. I find myself looking closer at art, wether it be on the street, in a museum, or in the hallways at the Middle School. I've realized all art has meaning, sometimes obviously portrayed in bold letters or hiding in the backgrounds of paintings.

I'm not going to lie, this class has not been easy for me. I struggle with the thought that if my creation isn't perfect then it isn't good or 'right'. Since I am not exceptionally artistically gifted, I tend to 'give up' on my creations because I fear I will fail if my vision doesn't come out perfectly. My most struggled with project was the wire sculpture. Right off the bat I knew this would be hard for me because I was struggling physically with the wire and creating the fish hooks. Even my 10-link chain was a challenge the finish, so I entered that project with a negative outlook, which in retrospect doesn't help my project either. This physical struggle coupled with my mental negativity and end-of-the-year laziness I couldn't find motivation to strive to create an interesting/complex sculpture so I opted for the easy way out; my empty Odwalla bottle. The product I am most proud of is my surrealist painting because it means a lot to me. I made it for my dad because it is a picture of our sail boat Sara Jane who we are selling and he is very sad about that. The setting is space because my dad loves space.

I met all the standard in the course because I've come a long way from where I started and my artistic skills and creativity have grown tremendously. I think this course was very valuable for me and taught me that quality work takes patience and time which is a lesson I can apply to all my work, not just in art class.

Time Capsules:

Beautiful Oops:

Class Collaboration

Extended Blind Drawing

Zentangle Value Strip

Negative Space Leaves

Pure Contour Hand

Zoomed Shoe

Linear Perspective

Candy Still Life

Mixed Media Drawing

Self Portrait

Artist Inspired

Oil Pastel Color Study

Color Wheel

Surrealistic Painting

Scratch Board

Gelatin Prints

Sgraffito Clay Tile

Arrive Alive

Wire Sculpture


art final.mp4