Mrs. Lengyel's Photography 1 class had the assignment to photograph something that, "Sparks Joy"... below are the results of this project. During these strange times, it is good to take a moment and look at things that simply make us smile.

"This photograph may seem like a picture of a cat, but there is more of story behind that. This is Quincy my obese feline, every time I look at him he always brings a smile to my face. As you can you see he's not your average pet as he acts like a toddler when it comes to photoshoots. He wakes me up every morning by pushing objects off my night stand and chewing on the phone cords. That is why this pest brings me joy." Aden Ianniruberto, Grade 9

"These photographs may just seem like pictures of softballs, a glove, bucket, and a net, but to me these show my personality for what I like to do. Each object is what I use for practice almost everyday so I can be the best I can. I took different views of the same picture to really show everything in them. Last but not least, I did my softball number 5 by creating it with the softballs. This is what brings me joy everyday when I play." Peyten Filippone, Grade 9
"This is a photo of my eight year old dog named Raven. Raven sparks joy in my life because she is someone that I can always cuddle and hang out with during the day. I remember this fact each and every time I see Raven, and it brings a smile to my face. Her cuteness cannot be outshined in my world and is therefore an irreplaceable part of the family." Isabella Sierra, Grade 12

Natalie T, Grade 9

Cody Callahan, Grade 9

Huner Laudate, Grade 11

"This picture sparks joy because playing the ukulele is one of my favorite things to do." Katelynn Yoxall, Grade 9
"This photo sparks joy to me because goats are my favorite animal. I have 4 goats, two are two years old and I just got another two, one is 7 weeks old and the one I am holding in this picture is 8 weeks old. Their names are Maxi, Diesel, Turbo, and this is Axle. People think of their dogs or cats as their best friends, well I think my goats are mine. I like to go out to their little house and sit in there at night and listen to music and hold the babies and pet the older ones. With my goats it is like my get away place which brings me joy." Brooke Geary, Grade 10

Aneesah Abu Hilqah, Grade 12

Aneesah Abu Hilqah, Grade 12

Tyler Lamb, Grade 10