Megan O'Donnell 2021

When do you realize enough is enough? Is self worth based on others point of view? What does it feel like to go through a toxic relationship?

My sustained investigation relates to the toxicity where you feel you're controlled. You can’t speak your mind or tell them how you truly feel without them criticizing you and not validating your opinion. The toxic relationships come in many different ways and you don't realize how toxic the world is to each other until you take a step back. They try to bring you down and in the process of doing that you are left feeling broken while they are fine.

I experimented with the use of Lightroom that reflects contrasting dark and white light to add a deeper emotion. I added strings to the skeleton, this relates to sustained investigation by inquiring that someone is controlling another(2). I turn down the opacity to show movement, movement relates to the act of walking away but them second guessing yourself(4). I revised(8) and practiced a different angle(9). Connecting emotion to color can be hard, in (13) I wanted to experiment with the use of color to see if a color can carry emotion. The skeleton is in a corner connecting to a break down(15).