Victor Frolenko's Spotlight

Victor Frolenko

About Victor

Victor is a third-year student at Penn State University Park majoring in Nutritional Biochemistry and Spanish. He is minoring in Neuroscience. Over the summer of 2023, Victor studied abroad in Ronda, Spain through our Ronda, Spain: Spanish Language and Culture program.

Continue reading to learn more about Victor's highlights of his time in Spain in his own words, how he was able to improve his language skills, things he learned about the culture of Spain, the lessons he took away from his experience, and his advice for students interested in studying abroad!

Victor posing outside a beautiful white house in Setenil, Spain

Victor's first day on his program posing in a train station in Madrid, Spain.

Photo of a paella that Victor and his class made that fed 30 people

Scenic photo of Ronda, Spain taken by Victor

Scenic photo of Ronda, Spain taken by Victor

Photo of a beautiful garden from the Alhambra in Granada, Spain

Photo of the large bridge connecting the two sides of Ronda, Spain

Victor's Education Abroad Experience

"I chose this program to complete 9 credits of Spanish and be in an immersive environment to improve my Spanish abilities.

I lived with a Spanish family for two months, not speaking a single word of English. This put me in a very immersive environment. Every class was taught in Spanish, and all the students also spoke Spanish, even outside the classroom. We visited so many Andalusi cities and learned the rich and beautiful history/culture of this magnificent place.

The size difference in Spain is that everything is so much smaller, the cars, the portion sizes, and the houses, are all tiny. Also, their comida, (large lunch), siestas (nap after comida), and merienda (coffee after a nap) routines made the people there active and awake, way into the night.

I learned how privileged I am to be a Penn State student in the US. I also learned that living a simple life can bring as much joy as living a life of riches.

After this study abroad experience, I have all the confidence to communicate with native Spanish speakers and establish relationships. This will help me as a practicing physician because I could cut out the middle man translator and relate straight to my Spanish-speaking patients.

I will tell them that nowhere in life will they find another opportunity like this. You'll never be part of such a large and loving group. On a final note, it can be paid for! There are lots of Penn State scholarships that students must apply to, and also Parent Plus loans to utilize."