Moira Gulden's Spotlight

Moira Gulden


About Moira

Moira Gulden is a third-year student at Penn State University Park majoring in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and minoring in Microbiology. During the summer 2023 term, she studied abroad through our DIS: Summer in Scandinavia program.

Moira now serves as one of our Education Abroad Peer Advisers! To connect with Moira, please visit her peer adviser webpage!

Continue reading to learn more about how Moira chose a program, lessons Moira took from an experience abroad, how studying abroad will impact her future, and the highlights of her time in Scandinavia in her own words!

Moira taking a tour of Oslo, Norway.

Photo of Moira at an Ice Bar in Stockholm, Sweden

Moira standing on the Nyhavn canal in Copenhgen

Photo Moira captured of the Nyhavn canal in Copenhagen, Denmark

Photo Moira captured of a sunset from her window in Stockholm, Sweden at almost 11 p.m.

Moira's Education Abroad Experience

"I chose to study with DIS because they offered courses in Scandinavia, which was somewhere I have both never been and always wanted to travel to. They also offered a variety of research courses, which as a biochemistry student, I was very interested in.

My most memorable moments studying abroad were the cultural interactions I had. There was one night I was coming back to Copenhagen on the train and I met three Danish men who sparked up a very interesting conversation with me about the US and how different it was to Denmark. This memory makes me smile every time I think about it. I will always remember their advice in the form of a Danish saying: "The only fun you have in life is the fun you make yourself." This idea encompasses my study abroad experience because I found myself having the most fun when I went out and made the best of every situation and explored.

Before my study abroad, I had never considered neuroscience as a field of interest to me; however, after taking a course and working with Danish researchers in the field, I have found a new passion for the brain and stem cells. Denmark is one of the leaders in stem cell research, so seeing what I could potentially be able to do after graduation was amazing, and definitely changed my perspective.

The biggest lesson I learned abroad was that every day does not have to have a task list to complete, and a productive day can be casually reading in a park and going for a walk. Scandinavians are excellent at work-life balance because they don't approach life as a task list, which is something that I have tried to practice in my own life. Feeling like there needs to be a plan or a list of things to do and see can often hinder your ability to enjoy where you are. So my advice is to wander, get lost, make a mistake, and laugh about it because those are the memories that you will hold near to you forever.

My advice is to semi-plan, but not plan, your time abroad. What I mean by this is make a list of places you want to see or do before you get to a city, but don't force yourself to see and do everything. Some of my favorite days were when I would wander, maybe with the intention of going to a specific place, but then spending the rest of the day wherever I ended up. I also would advise you to be adventurous. Before my time abroad riding the bus or train to commute was not something I was comfortable doing; however, after taking the multi-hour train and bus rides to visit different landmarks and countries, I am very comfortable with travel and transit."