Natalie Pritchyk's Spotlight

Natalie Pritchyk

About Natalie

Natalie is a fourth-year student at Penn State University Park majoring in Biobehavioral Health. Over the spring 2023 semester, Natalie studied abroad in Australia through our Melbourne: University of Melbourne Exchange Program.

Continue reading to learn more about Natalie's highlights of her time in Australia in her own words, why she chose her program, the lessons she took away, and her advice for students interested in studying abroad!

Natalie posing at the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia

Photo Natalie took of The Mount Martha Pillars in Victoria, Austalia

Scenic photo Natalie captured of Byron Bay in New South Wales, Australia

Photo Natalie took of the Whitsundays Islands in Queensland, Australia

Natalie's Education Abroad Experience

"I had always wanted to travel to Australia. The University of Melbourne is known to be one of the best universities in the world, so I knew this would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study there.

I took interesting courses, such as Trauma, Memory, Bodies; Philosophy of the Mind; Street Art; and The Secret Life of the Body. 

I lived in an international building, so I made friends with people from all over the world; including South America, Europe, Asia, and of course, Australia! I loved learning about their different cultures, languages, and values.

I enjoyed living in a big city, where I became better with directions, more open-minded, and exposed to various cultures every day.

I am grateful I was able to travel all around. I visited Sydney; New South Wales; North Island, New Zealand; and Queensland.

I learned how to begin in an unfamiliar city with strangers. I learned about several different cultures, ways of life, and languages. Studying abroad broadened my perspectives and altered my mindset. Most importantly, I know that I will take any travel opportunity I can in the future because it was the best experience of my life.

If you are considering going abroad, you should definitely take this opportunity. Although moving to a new country for so long can sound challenging, I promise you will have an amazing time if you make the most of it. You will be exposed to a new way of life, and you will learn so much from the university you are studying at, as well as from the new people you meet. Studying abroad was the best part of my college experience at Penn State."