Balade Shala's Spotlight

Balade Shala


About Balade

Balade is a fourth-year student at Penn State University Park majoring in Pre-Med and Computer Science. Over the spring 2023 semester, Balade studied abroad in Aix, France through our IAU: Aix-en-Provence Campus program.

Continue reading to learn more about Balade's highlights of her time in France in her own words, why she chose her program, how she improved her language skills, the lessons she took away, and her advice for students interested in studying abroad!

Balade posing during an excursion to see Monaco, France with her program

Balade and her friends having brunch in Aix-en-Provence, France

Balade's Education Abroad Experience

"I chose the IAU program in Aix-en-Provence, France because I wanted to learn French and live somewhere around the French Riviera.

My favorite takeaways from France are the friendships that I created and the memories that I will talk about for as long as I live. I went to France knowing zero French. By the time I was preparing to return,  I was able to communicate with the locals on a daily basis. I learned how to be independent and to live in the moment. Studying abroad truly changed my life.

The thing that surprised me most was how hard it is to readjust to your normal life in the States. It took a while for me to get used to my regular life in New York, compared to my life in France constantly traveling with friends.

I learned the importance of enjoying people's company, living in the moment, and not taking anything for granted. While I was abroad, I got to meet some of my best friends and travel around Europe with them. During my time abroad, I lost my grandmother and it made me appreciate where I was even more. I am proud to say that I lived every second to the fullest. I will continue to do that for the rest of my life.

Being abroad, I learned how to adapt to challenges and open my perspective to others. I had to learn how to live the French lifestyle and adapt to their customs in order to have a good time there. I am hoping that the lessons I learned through the challenges I faced abroad whether with my homestay, classes, or the language, shaped me into a stronger person who won't back away from a challenge in the future.

Be open to new experiences and enjoy every second of your life abroad. Before you arrive, I think you should have a talk with yourself and assure yourself that this will be the most amazing time of your life. Motivate yourself to introduce yourself to everyone at orientation and invite people to go out and try new food. Remind yourself that everyone there is just as scared as you are, so might as well make friends along the way and make the most of it. Balance your time. You can have a good time while also doing well in school. Just make sure you go to class, pay attention, and do your work as soon as possible."