The World as a Village


Today we will be looking at absolutely everyone!  Take a look at the hyperlink about the world's population.

Further questions on percentages

100 People

Take a look at this video.  If the world were 100 people, who would we be?  The video proportionally reduces the world population of 7.5 billion to 100 people.

Further questions on percentages

Further Practice

Some of the essential skills introduced in this lesson are "proportions", "percentages" and "percentage change".  On top of that, we reviewed some previously learnt skills such as fractions, ratios, rounding to significant figures, upper and lower bounds, standard form etc. The relevant skills can be found on DrFrostMaths, CorbettMaths, MyiMaths and Eedi.  Watch any video and/or go through any online lesson as you see fit.  


Standard form:
