Climbing Stairs


In this activity you can climb the stairs one step at a time or two steps at a time.

Look at the diagram on the right.  This staircase has 4 steps.  The diagram shows one way to climb it.

Draw/ list all the ways of climbing this staircase (try to be systematic in the way that you try numbers).  For example: 1,1,2

How many different ways are there?

Think like a mathematician, what questions could you now ask to further investigate?  If you need some support look at the next section.


Below are some ideas of how you can further investigate.

Step 1: predict what the next patterns may be.  One good strategy is to draw out the next few patterns.

Step 2: organise your findings in a systematic way.  One good strategy is to put your observations in a table. 

Step 3: use your table to come up with some general rules.

Step 4: verify (a.k.a. check) that your rules work.  This can be achieved by comparing your drawings with the answers found using your rules.

Step 5: justify (a.k.a explain) why the rule works.

Further Questions and Challenges

Suppose you can climb either one, two or three steps at a time.  How many different ways of climbing staircases with 1 step, 2 steps, 3 steps are there?  Can find a rule for how the numbers go up?  

REMEMBER: start small, follow the steps and investigate in a systematic manner!

For more similar questions, check out this problem on


In this lesson, you came across a very special type of number.  To get a brief introduction of what it is, look at this video.  

Try Fibonacci Quest on Transum - a number of self marking quizzes based on the fascinating Fibonacci Sequence.

You may also wish to explore more surprising results looking at the worksheet below:

Fibonacci surprises.docx