Draw a Sports Field


In this lesson, we will learn how to use scales to represent real life measurements on smaller plans. By the end of this lesson, you ought to have developed all the skills you need to draw the school playground or any sports field on a piece of A4 paper.

From plan to actual

How long is 1mm? 1cm? 1m? 1km? Check this song out for an idea!

How many mm are there in 1cm? How many cm are there in 1m? How many m are there in 1km?

How many mm are there in 1m? How many cm are there in 0.1m? How many cm are there in 1km?

If you need a reminder of how to convert between these units, take a look at this video and have a go at these questions (generate more random questions here.

Print out the worksheet below:

  • by using a ruler, measure the dimensions of the plan

  • by using the scales given, work out the actual dimensions

Scale to Actual.pdf

Here's another self-marked exercise on scale drawing transum to check understanding. You will also need to be able to measure angles using a protractor.

For more practice, try the following:


or try exercise 19.2 from here:

MEP scale drawing.pdf

From actual to plan

Now that you are familiar with how to go from plan to actual, we are going the other way round. First, you will have to find out what the scale is.

How to find the scale .pptx

Let's now practising drawing the following sports fields on either an A4 or A3 piece of paper. You may wish to use the following template to help you

Sports - Rugby Pitch.pdf
Sports - Tennis Court.pdf
Sports - Netball Court.pdf
Sports - Football Pitch.pdf

When you are done with the above practice, you may wish to work in groups to draw the school playground. You will need to:

  • draw a rough sketch of the playground (like above) first

  • measure the dimensions of the playground yourself using a trundle wheel

  • work out the lengths for your drawing

  • draw to scale accurately

Further Practice

Some of the essential skills introduced in this lesson are unit of measurement, (metric) unit conversion, scale drawing. The relevant skills can be found on DrFrostMaths, CorbettMaths, MyiMaths and Eedi. Watch any video and/or go through any online lesson as you see fit.



  • Converting Standard Units: Converting measurements of length, mass, volume and time from one unit of measure to another.

  • Measuring Units: Check your knowledge of the units used for measuring with this self-marking quiz about metric and imperial units.

  • Metric Units Pairs: Find the matching pairs of equivalent metric units in this interactive online game.

  • Mileometer: Practise converting between miles and kilometres with this self marking quiz.


  • Reading Scales: A self marking exercise on the reading of scales of different types.

  • Map Scales: Test your understanding of map scales expressed as ratios with this self marking quiz.

  • Scale Drawings: Measure line segments and angles in geometric figures, including interpreting scale drawings.


More will be covered in the practice assessment.