Deconstructed Cubes


In today's lesson you will get to use 6 square polydron pieces to build the nets of a cube.  Each of the six squares corresponds to one face of the cube.

Task 1

The diagram on the right is one of the many nets for a cube (see here for an animation of why).  There are other ways to arrange the six squares to make a net.  

Task 2

The lines inside the net form edges of the finished cube.  The lines on the perimeter meet to form edges on the finished cube.

Task 3

If you arrange six squares at random with edges joined without overlaps, what is the probability that you will have a net of a cube?

Further Practice

Some of the essential skills introduced in this lesson are "faces, edges and vertices" and "nets".  The relevant skills can be found on DrFrostMaths, CorbettMaths, MyiMaths and Eedi.  Watch any video and/or go through any online lesson as you see fit.  



Some excellent cube net puzzles:

For more goodies on 3D shapes on transum, click on the hyperlink. 

Don Steward


Below are a few more:

Nets of a Cube - Problems.pdf