

In today's lesson, we will be investigating the relationship between the perimeter and the M-value and P-value as the number of sides of the regular polygon increases.

Play around with this.  

Further Questions and Challenges

Further Practice

Some of the essential skills introduced in this lesson are π (pi) and the circumference of a circle.  You may also wish study ahead and learn about the area of a circle.  Practise these relevant skills on DrFrostMaths, CorbettMaths, MyiMaths and Eedi.


Area and Circumference of Circles

For some textbook practice, see below, answers are here:

10 Ticks - Circle Perimeter Problems.pdf


There are some excellent videos about π including A Brief History of Pi and here are some more advanced ones: Pi, the "celebrity number' and 5 Facts You Should Know About Pi and for something fun Why is The Simpsons not in Base 8? In this video Simon Singh talks about Pi and Maths in The Simpsons cartoon.

Try this circumfraction puzzle which is loosely related to circumference.