Mean, Median, Mode


If you are given a set of numbers such as the test scores of 10 students: 34%, 44%, 75%, 21%, 98%, 86%, 71%, 76%, 63% and 55%.  


Some useful calculations are mean, mode, median and range.  If you need to, you are encouraged to look at the relevant skills on  DrFrostMaths, CorbettMaths, MyiMaths and Eedi.  Watch any video and/or go through any online lesson as you see fit.  The skills that you will need are:


Practise finding averages with the task and game below:


Take a look at the following problem from nRich.  There are several sets of five positive integers (whole numbers) with the following properties:

Now repeat for the following questions:


Below are more challenges to do with averages!

A: Unequal Averages @nRich 

Here's an interesting set of five numbers: 2, 5, 5, 6, 7

Can you find other sets of five positive whole numbers where:

B: Wipeout @nRich

Take the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and choose one to wipe out.

C: The Ice Cream Problem

What if…

D: Transum

Here are some puzzles/ starters on averages from Transum:

E: Don Steward

Don Steward has written a lot of excellent questions here.  For a sample take a look at the questions below: