Unit 1: Numbers


Welcome to the first unit of study in mathematics at Island School!

The purpose of this unit is to introduce you the type of work you'll do during mathematics lessons. It might be very different from what you are used to!

You'll work on a number of tasks, and may get extra work from your teacher.  The tasks all focus on what are known as "the four operations of arithmetic" which are: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. You'll be working with whole numbers (known as "integers") most of the time.

One thing that the tasks all have in common is that you will have to explore the problems you are given in order to find the right answer. It won't be obvious what that answer is, and it's unlikely that you'll be able to get to the correct answer without making some mistakes along the way.

The important thing is to learn from these mistakes to help you find the correct solution to the problem.

This is sometimes called "inquiry learning" but really it's "doing mathematics" as it's exactly what mathematicians have to do!

Click on the links in the section below to take you to the relevant pages for each task.

Common Tasks

Other Activities and Resources


In this assessment you will be assessed on Criterion C: Communicating.

MYP maths objectives-Y7 C.pdf

Assessment Checklist

To do well on this assessment you will need to do the following things:

End of Unit Review

To support your revision, take a look at the following tasks:

1 Numbers (C) practice qs.pdf


In this assessment you will be assessed on Criterion C: Communicating.

MYP maths objectives-Y7 C.pdf

Assessment Checklist

To do well on this assessment you will need to do the following things:

End of Unit Review

To support your revision, take a look at the following tasks:

1 Numbers (C) practice qs.pdf

Unit Reflection

Make a copy of the document below and follow the following steps for your reflection:

During the Unit

At the beginning of the unit, use the traffic light system to rate how confident you are of the learning objectives.  This will help you identify what areas you need to focus on in your lessons and self-study.

Add to the "What key skills have I learnt in the unit?" box key takeaways from your lessons and self-study.  You may want use this as notes at the end of each lesson.

Add to the "What key skills do I still need to work on?" box key things that you still need further practice.  Make sure you include resources like videos from DrFrostMaths, CorbettMaths, MyiMaths and Eedi etc.

At the end of the unit and prior to the assessment, use the traffic light system to rate how confident you are of the learning objectives.  This will help you identify what areas you need to work on for your assessment.

After the assessment

Use the second part of the document to reflect on your assessment:

Year 7 Unit 1- Number - MYP Unit Reflection Template.docx