Symmetry Squares


In this lesson, you will be learning about reflection and rotational symmetries. (Click on the hyperlinks if you are unsure what they are.)

3 x 3 squares

5 x 5 squares

4x4 squares

Look at the 4x4 squares on the right, describe the symmetries in each of these patterns.

Now, use these 4x4 squares to create shapes that match these rules:

Further Questions and Challenges

In the 5x5 square task above, all the problems have exactly two solutions. That is, there are two different places to put the last dot if you want to leave a symmetrical pattern.  Can you develop a problem that has:

What is the greatest number of possible solutions for a single problem?

Use these 5x5 squares (PRINT ME).

Further Practice

In this lesson, we learnt about rotational and line symmetries. Practise the relevant skills on DrFrostMaths, CorbettMaths, MyiMaths and Eedi.  Watch any video and/or go through any online lesson as you see fit.


Look at this video if you need further support.



For more goodies on Symmetry on Transum, click on the hyperlink.


Take a look at these two interesting videos: