Triangle Corners


In today's lesson, you will learn how to solve different types of equations (including two-step equations, equations with unknowns on both sides, equations with brackets and equations with fractions.  You are highly recommended to take a look at the relevant skills on DrFrostMaths, CorbettMaths and MyiMaths.  Watch any video and/or go through any online lesson as you see fit.  

Take a look at the triangle corners puzzles above.  What numbers do you need to place on the lines to ensure that the boxes connected to the lines are equal in value?

Make your own triangle corners puzzles and solve them so that:

When you think that you have the correct answers, get your partner to attempt your puzzles and check that they are correct.

Further Questions and Challenges

Now look at the "square corners" and the "square corners and diagonals" puzzles below.  How many equations are there for each to solve?  Can you solve them?

Can you make your own puzzles so that:

When you think that you have the correct answers, get your partner to attempt your puzzles and check that they are correct.

Here are some other questions to consider:

Further Practice

As mentioned in the introduction, the essential skills in today's lesson are solving different types of equations (including two-step equations, equations with unknowns on both sides, equations with brackets and equations with fractions. Take a look at the relevant skills on DrFrostMaths, CorbettMaths, MyiMaths and Eedi.  Watch any video and/or go through any online lesson as you see fit.  

