2.42 inch 128x64 DIY More - 7-wire
Convert to I2C
Convert to I2C
R4: Remove 472 resitor
R3: Add 472 resitor (from R4)
R5: Add 000 resistor
R7: Add 000 resistor
472 resistor = 4.7k ohm resistor
000 resistor = 0 ohms resistor. Can be replaced with wire or solder blob.
Connect to Gotek
Connect to Gotek
CS: (Not Connected)
DC: (Not Connected)
RES: Connect to Gotek RST Pin
SDA: Connect to Gotek DISP_CLK J7 Pin
SCL: Connect to Gotek DISP_DIO J7 Pin
VCC: Connect to Gotek 3.3V J7 Pin
GND: Connect to Gotek VSS J7 Pin
Gotek J7 Pins:
Gotek Power and Programming Pins: