A500 rev 6A - JP2 and JP7A


The A500 rev 6A has two jumpers to be able to manage how expansion memory is used.

  • JP2

  • JP7A


JP2 controls where expansion ram maps to - either CHIP or SLOW ram:

Connect jumper pin 2 to:

  • Pin 1 = A23 -> C00000 (default) = SLOW ram

  • Pin 3 = A19 -> 080000 = CHIP ram

JP2 location and pin numbering

JP2 schematic


JP7A allows you to enable or disable expansion ram.

By default, _EXTICK is passed on to pin 32 of the expansion connector, which will allow the expansion ram board to be enabled or disabled. Some expansion ram boards will just connect this to ground. Some expansion boards will provide an on board switch to enable to disable of the expansion ram.

If _EXTICK is floating then that indicatss there no expansion ram present.

If _EXTICK is connected to ground then expansion ram is enabled and expected. If there is no expansion ram connected then the Amiga will not boot up.

JP7A location and pin numbering

JP7A schematic