Falls-Lenox Primary School News

October 13, 2022

Dear Falls-Lenox Families,

There is no school tomorrow Friday, October 14th due to NEOEA Day. Next week, PTA is sponsoring Breakfast Buddies, which will take place Monday, October 17th- Wednesday, October 19th. The flier for signing up can be found below. Also, third graders will be going on a field trip next Friday, October 21st to the Cleveland Natural History Museum. Third grade students will need a packed lunch on this day. We will be having our Halloween Parade of Costumes and parties on Friday, October 28th. Please see the attached letter below for more information.

Parent-teacher conferences will be held during the evenings of November 17th and 21st. Teachers will be sending out sign-ups on Tuesday, October 18th via SeeSaw. Please save the date.

Thank you to those of you who have participated in the PTA Charleston Wrap fundraiser. If you would still like to dontate or make a purchase, the deadline has been extended to October 18th. Contact PTA with any questions at christabpta@gmail.com or FLECCPTA.Board@gmail.com. Links can be found below:

Charleston Wrap -FLECC PTA Online Fall Fundraiser.docx

FLECC PTA Fundraiser- Donation Letter 2022-2023.pdf

Click here to make a one time donation

The next ECC/FL PTA meeting is Tuesday, October 25th at 6:30 and this meeting will be at the Early Childhood Center in the cafeteria. Please click HERE to join PTA! The first three classrooms to get 100% participation will win extra recess and a treat!

I encourage you to check out the "Community Connections" section of this newsletter located on the left side of the page (from your phone, click on the three lines located in the upper left corner of the newsletter to see the drop down tabs). It is updated regularly with community fliers.

If at any time you have questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact our main office at (440) 427-6400. Thank you to all of our families for all of your support and for a great week!


Ms. Lisa M. Williams

Falls-Lenox Principal

Halloween Parent Letter

Halloween letter 2022

Important Upcoming Dates:

October 14th - No School, NEOEA Day

October 17th - 19th - PTA Sponsored Donuts with Dudes (more info to come)

October 21st - 3rd Grade Natural History Museum Field Trip

October 25th - ECC/PTA Meeting ~ 6:30 P.M. @ ECC

October 28th - Halloween Parade @ 1:15 and Parties to follow (Students will dress up in their Halloween costumes).  More info to come.

October 31st - Nov. 4th - Wellness Week

November 3rd - Family Wellness Night @ 6:30

November 8th - No School (Staff PD Day)

November 9th or 10th - 3rd Grade Cleveland Orchestra Field Trip

November 11th - Veteran's Day Program

November 11th - End of the First Trimester

November 17th and 21st - Parent Teacher Conferences - SAVE THE DATE. A sign-up will be forthcoming.

November 23-25th - No School Due to Thanksgiving Break

November 30th - 2nd Grade Music Concert @ H.S. Auditorium - More info to come.

PTA Breakfast Buddies 

Pictures from the Week!

Third graders in Mrs. Pajestka's room buddy reading with first graders in Mrs. Burk's class!

Breakfast and Lunch Cycle Menus:

Breakfast Cycle Menu SY 22-23 Grades 1-5.pdf
Lunch Cycle Menu SY 22-23 Grade 1-3.pdf

School Times:

School Day:  8:00-2:35

Tardy Bell:  7:55 a.m. (Students must be in their classrooms by 8:00 a.m. Students entering classrooms after 8:00 a.m. will be marked tardy.)

Office Hours:  7:30-3:30 (You can leave a message after 3:30 p.m.)

Note: If your child is a car-rider, doors open at 7:35 a.m. and are open until 7:55 a.m.  The side doors are locked at 7:55 a.m.  If your child is coming to school after 7:55 a.m., they will need to enter through the front doors.  If your child plans to eat breakfast, please have them at school by 7:45.  Students cannot enter prior to 7:35 am.

School Fees:

*We will let families know when school fees are posted to pay.

Grades 1-2:  $90.00 Total

Grade 3: has an additional $25 for a Chromebook Device fee

$7.00 - Art supplies

$16.00 - Field Trips/activities

$25.00 - Technology (Reading A-Z, RAZ Kids, SeeSaw, Compass Learning)

$42.00 - Instructional (Bridges Math Workbook, Science Fusion Workbook, Handwriting workbook, Scholastic News, etc.)

Staff Shout Outs

Is there a staff member that has made a positive impact in your child's life?  Please take a moment to say 'thank you' by submitting a Staff Shout Out!  Shout Outs will be shared with the staff member.  Click HERE to submit a shout out!

Questions to ask your child about their school day, instead of "How was school"?

Clinic Updates -  Please do not send your child to school with a fever, diarrhea, or more than 2 of the following symptoms:  cough, shortness of breath, chills, fever, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, headache, diarrhea.  Students cannot return to school after a fever or diarrhea until they have gone 24 hours symptoms free.  If your child is identified as a close contact, please monitor for symptoms.  Call off your child using our attendance line:  440-427-6411.