Falls-Lenox Primary School News

May 12, 2023

Dear Falls-Lenox Families,

We kicked off our Friday with a building-wide clap out, as we cheered on our students attending the Special Olympics!   Congratulations to all of our athletes who participated today for their dedication and hard work!

Please scroll down for pictures!

Next Friday, May 19th, we will be welcoming the kindergarten classes, as they will be visiting Falls-Lenox. Students will take a tour, visit first grade classrooms, see the cafteria, and play on the playground.  We are looking forward to meeting our incoming first graders!  On May 23rd, we will host parents and their kindergarten children for a First Grade Preview Night and tour at 5:30 p.m. (Last Names A-K)/6:00 (Last Names L-Z) The ECC/FL PTA meeting will follow at 6:30 (at Falls-Lenox).  


At open house this year, we asked our families to tell us what your hopes and dreams are for your child.  We would like to obtain your feedback on how our school has done with meeting your child's needs, as your feedback is important to us for future planning.  Please complete the very short survey linked HERE. Thank you to those of you who have already completed this survey.

Looking for an educational opportunity for your child for this summer?  Falls-Lenox is hosting Camp Invention the week of June 19th.  Below you will find the registration link.  If you register in May, you will receive a promotional discount!

As we head into spring, all grade levels will be attending field trips.  Dates for these field trips are now posted below.  District-wide, school fees must be paid prior to the field trips dates below in order for students to attend the field trip.  Unpaid school fees accumulate from year-to-year. To pay your child's school fees, please visit www.ofcs.net, or call our main office at 440-427-6402.  If you would like to talk with me personally about your child's school fees, please contact me at 440-427-6401 or lwilliams@ofcs.net.

If at any time you have questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact our main office at (440) 427-6400. Thank you to all of our families for all of your support and for a great week!


Click HERE for the lunch menu

Please scroll down to see some pictures from the week!


Ms. Lisa M. Williams

Falls-Lenox Principal

Camp Invention – May Promo Information

This summer, boost your child's confidence and creativity at Camp Invention! This one-week program, coming to Falls-Lenox Primary School the week of June 19th–23rd, will provide K-6 campers with unique #STEM challenges that encourage them to bring their big ideas to life! Click here to register today using code SUM15 to SAVE $15.

ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT to save $15 on your child’s Camp Invention registration! Don’t miss out June 19th–23rd on the all-new activities at Falls-Lenox Primary School as children learn about how inventions have changed the way people create by practicing collaboration, creativity and persistence! Click here to register by 5/17 using SUM15 to save.

in the loop mayjune 2023.pdf

Important Dates ~ Looking Ahead:

Upcoming Field Trips:

May 25- May 31st - Third Grade History Walking Tour (Each class will take the tour on one of these days; teachers will provide more information)

May 25th/26th - 1st Grade Field trip to Lake Farm Park

June 1st - 3rd Grade Field Trip on the Goodtime III Cruise (Cleveland History Tour)

Bulldogs on the Run:

DAYS: Mondays and Wednesdays

DATES: March 6- May 24

TIME: 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm

WHERE: Falls-Lenox Primary School - Falls Gym 

Congatulations Mrs. Stokes on receiving a certificate of achievement and honor from the Educational Service Center for her dedicated work as a paraprofessional!

School Times:

School Day:  8:00-2:35

Tardy Bell:  7:55 a.m. (Students must be in their classrooms by 8:00 a.m. Students entering classrooms after 8:00 a.m. will be marked tardy.)

Office Hours:  7:30-3:30 (You can leave a message after 3:30 p.m.)

Note: If your child is a car-rider, doors open at 7:35 a.m. and are open until 7:55 a.m.  The side doors are locked at 7:55 a.m.  If your child is coming to school after 7:55 a.m., they will need to enter through the front doors.  If your child plans to eat breakfast, please have them at school by 7:45.  Students cannot enter prior to 7:35 am.

School Fees:

Grades 1-2:  $90.00 Total

Grade 3: has an additional $25 for a Chromebook Device fee

$7.00 - Art supplies

$16.00 - Field Trips/activities

$25.00 - Technology (Reading A-Z, RAZ Kids, SeeSaw, Compass Learning)

$42.00 - Instructional (Bridges Math Workbook, Science Fusion Workbook, Handwriting workbook, Scholastic News, etc.)

Staff Shout Outs

Is there a staff member that has made a positive impact in your child's life?  Please take a moment to say 'thank you' by submitting a Staff Shout Out!  Shout Outs will be shared with the staff member.  Click HERE to submit a shout out!

Questions to ask your child about their school day, instead of "How was school"?

Clinic Updates -  Please do not send your child to school with a fever, diarrhea, or more than 2 of the following symptoms:  cough, shortness of breath, chills, fever, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, headache, diarrhea.  Students cannot return to school after a fever or diarrhea until they have gone 24 hours symptoms free.  If your child is identified as a close contact, please monitor for symptoms.  Call off your child using our attendance line:  440-427-6411.