Training, Recordings & Support

Someone looking at laptop with the word webinar on the screen.

Training Webinars

The NYU SPS Learning and Teaching Nexus provides webinars on a variety of topics related to remote instruction, in-person instruction, technology and assessment. The Nexus team is always open to adding topics to the webinar list. If you identify a need, please email us at

Fun fact.

The Palisades, written by Duncan M. Genns about the University’s Heights campus, was adopted as NYU’s alma mater song in 1900.

Taken from: click here.

Webinar Descriptions

Webinar Recordings

Technology Webinars

The webinars in the section provide faculty with the technological essentials for remote instruction.

Zoom Essentials

Zoom Essentials is for the faculty member who has no previous experience with Zoom. This webinar will cover logging in, scheduling sessions and managing a Zoom session.

Customizing your Zoom Experience through Profile Settings

Logging into, faculty have the ability to personalize their Zoom session settings at the account level. This webinar will address many of the settings you can personalize and "why" and "why wouldn't" faculty would make changes.

Creating NYU Classes Course Sites for Maximum Student Engagement

Join us for a presentation by our colleagues Claire Menegus and Joy Chen from the NYU Usability Lab. They will present findings from a student study they completed that gathered feedback on their needs and behaviors regarding the use of remote learning environments.

Recordings of CAES Webinars can be accessed through NYU Stream.

Pedagogy for Teaching Remotely Webinars

Best practices drive effective teaching both in-person and online. The webinars in this section of the toolkit highlight best practices and the variety of ways that they can manifest themselves in an online environment.

Advanced Pedagogical Strategies for Remote Teaching

Advanced Pedagogical Strategies for Teaching Online' offers strategies for engaging students before, during and after an online course. This 'toolkit' offers suggestions that can be applied directly to a course or modified accordingly

Assessment Webinars

Moving assessment online takes time, efforts and careful planning. The webinars in this section share strategies and tools to ease and streamline this process.

Assessment Strategies for Remote Teaching

This session explores how faculty transform their in-person assessment strategies to the remote classroom.

Tools for Assessing Remote Learning

This session introduces how faculty can use Google Form, Qualtrics and Gradescope to streamline the assessment of remote learning.

Preparing for Summer Webinars

The webinars in this section help faculty develop their syllabi for remote instruction.

Developing your Summer Course I

This session will help faculty develop a course for remote delivery, including crafting a syllabus from scratch. It is designed for faculty who are teaching their summer course(s) for the first time. (i.e. no syllabus yet)

Developing your Summer Course II

This session will help faculty take an existing in-person course and transform it for remote instruction. It is designed for faculty who have taught their summer course(s) previously (i.e. already have a syllabus)

Training Schedule & Registration

To register for a NEXUS webinar, locate the name and date for the webinar you would like to attend. Click on the title and copy the "Where" link to your browser and register.

Red circle alert reading keep in mind.

The Learning and Teaching Nexus (NEXUS) team is here to support faculty at every stage of their instructional journey. Our entire team is dedicated to your and your students success.

Contact Us

Learning and Teaching Nexus

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Phone us at: 212.992.9137

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