Digital impact on research

This workstream was initiated to agree and promote the scope of digital in terms of the potential to streamline delivery, but also provide a better user experience for those managing and participating in research. By the end of this project, we agreed on an approach to defining digital appropriately, that doesn't limit the possibilities that may evolve over the coming years. This provides a legitimate starting point for conversations with potential researchers seeking advice and guidance on how digital can both support and enhance their research ideas at the earliest point of engagement with the CRN in the West Midlands.


This workstream was designed to meet the following objective and linked activity within the overall Progression Plan Project 11 action plan

Objective 1.0  Define ‘digital’ within the context of research, and produce educational/informative resources on this. Share and promote these across the region

Activity 1.1  Define definition of digital (using what's available) e.g. digital for identifying potential participants; digital for reaching and recruiting potential participants; digital for research delivery; digital for research management

Activity 1.2  Develop an information/education resource to disseminate. Include examples of how digital can be used for research


This workstream produced a number of outputs that can be located within the Project 11 micro-site by following the links below

Executive summary

This report was compiled to further assess objective 1.0 of Progression Plan Project 11 (Developing our Digital Capability) focusing on the scoping of existing definitions for the use of digital within various aspects of research delivery and management. This activity  included engagement with various bodies to discuss and debate what digital means in this environment, including seeking and aligning with the views of the NIHR Data, Digital & Technology (DDaT) office with respect to the national steer on this issue.

The outcome of this exercise has led to a resource explaining the agreed statements in the context of examples of practice experienced with research delivery in the West Midlands as defined below:

Throughout the stakeholder engagement detailed within this report, two main themes emerged from discussions with regards to the use of a definition of digital and also the agreed aspects that digital supports with the work of the CRN in the West Midlands.

The NIHR DDaT office is strong in its view that set definitions are in fact restrictive to digital development if they contribute to setting parameters in a field which is perceived as having no boundaries. There is also the view that digital means so many different things to different people depending on their interests plus the requirements of their specific job roles, that a single definition which applies to all would be a difficult task to compile successfully.

With this in mind, the suggested approach of this report was to focus on a digital statement focusing on the impact of digital rather than defining what digital is. It was agreed that this statement would focus on how digital supports effective stakeholder connectivity, alongside driving efficient processes within research management and delivery. The statement would be supported by examples within the 4 categories listed above.

This approach was discussed and agreed with CRN WM leadership within the  Project 11 working group, allowing a process for the development of resources to begin in late 2023.

CRN WM Digital Statement flyer

CRN WM Digital Statement detailed document

CRN WM Digital Statement animated explainer