Find Recruit & Follow-up (FRF)

The launch of the NIHR Find, Recruit & Follow-up (FRF) service will play an important role in breaking down the publicly funded digital solutions that are available to support multiple aspects of delivering a research study or clinical trial. The FRF website is now live! Keep an eye on the Digital Updates section for further news regarding training available on this service within NIHR Learn.


Service explainer and supporting resources

Summary of service

The NIHR Find, Recruit & Follow-up (FRF) service is launching during early 2024 with the provision of a website to advise and guide sponsors through the landscape of publicly funded digital solutions that are designed to support multiple aspects of the delivery of research.

On the 23rd June 2021, the government released a plan backed by £64 million pounds worth of funding to strengthen UK wide delivery of clinical research. The press release included the following point emphasising how the FRF service will support this plan.

'digitising the clinical research process to make it faster and cheaper by beginning to create a holistic, data-enabled Find, Recruit and Follow-up service, allowing researchers to digitally find patients, offer them places in trials and monitor health outcomes as part of the study, making the set-up and delivery of clinical research faster, easier and more inclusive, to accelerate the development of life saving health-innovations'

The FRF service will have an important part to play, working towards the overall aim to attract more commercial research to the UK, by offering a single source of advice and guidance on the multiple digital options supporting the three stated stages of research delivery. We will continue to update this page as more details of this service are released through 2024.

Useful supporting resources

Email connections


Look out for the latest updates from the Find, Recruit & Follow-up service in our Digital Updates