CRN WM Digital update

16 April 2024

We have pieced together the following update detailing the great work completed and progressing both locally and nationally through our Recruitment Optimisation Support Team (ROST) and through current secondments contributing towards the national Primary Care Research Informatics & Digital Environment Solutions (PRIDES) and Find, Recruit and Follow-up (FRF) services.

If you would like to find out more about any of the workstreams mentioned in this video, please don't hesitate to contact us at

CRN WM Digital Update - 05.04.24.mp4

Q1 2024 & commercial study feedback

21 March 2024

So far in 2024 ROST has received requests from 19 studies, with just under half requiring parallel developments in both main clinical systems. Further information about ROST activity in 2024 is available in the linked report.

Team member Lucy Hughes has also received some great feedback from a commercial study team, for Health Informatics developments completed in both main clinical systems at very short notice:

'Lucy Hughes was great! - Happy with service, flexible to alter criteria as suggested. 3 patients contacted the site so far and look like they should meet eligibility criteria to screen. Full assessment of outcome can be provided at a later date. We expected low numbers to be invited due to eligibility criteria'

Well done to Lucy, and to Claire Brown and Sam Hunt for their assistance with this particularly challenging request.


January update

23 January 2024

The latest update from CRN West Midlands ROST:

Delivery of the PRIDES Hub

ROST has reached an agreement to continue to deliver the PRIDES Hub through 2024/25. Delivery will remain in conjunction with LCRN South West Peninsula, and will be on a slightly reduced remit, as a step-down approach towards the current plans for the Hub to be disbanded in April 2025. Funding has been agreed for the first 6 months of the next financial year, up until the point of transition to RRDNs in October 2024, at which point a further review will take place to ensure that the Hub delivery can continue unchanged through to the end of 2023/24.

Delivery of the Find, Recruit & Follow-up wrap round service - new secondment 

ROST has also been successful through an application and interview process to deliver the Find, Recruit & Follow-up (FRF) wraparound service on a short term basis, initially for the remainder of this financial year (with the possibility of extension into 2024/25). This secondment is similar in activity to the PRIDES Hub, focusing on the roll-out of FRF to study support teams within LCRNs, plus any other early contact touch points with researchers. The initial 2 month period will focus on the development of resources that solidify the message behind the service, as well as planning future engagement with LCRN teams. This will aim to engage with the areas of a local network where knowledge of FRF is required moving forward.

December update

05 December 2023

The latest update from CRN West Midlands ROST:

ROST Update December 2023.mp4