CRN WM Digital Hub creation


Although we communicated with our wider CRN WM team with updates on local and national digital news through commonly used announcement tools via the Google suite, we didn't have a dedicated site to showcase our work, as well as a place for our team to easily access the many training materials we have produced over the last few years. The creation of this internal Google site was designed to meet this requirement.


This workstream was designed to meet the following objective and linked activity within the overall Progression Plan Project 11 action plan

Objective 2.0 Identify existing digital strengths within the region to understand what the region's capabilities are and communicate these out widely

Activity 2.2 Develop communications regarding the region's strengths and case studies and use them to promote to stakeholders, including commercial companies

Objective 8.0 Improve the digital infrastructure within CRN WM to help support staff knowledge and development, improve advice and guidance to researchers in all settings and provide a platform for the recruitment of participant volunteers

Activity 8.1 Plan and develop a platform(s) that support each of the three groups (Staff / Researchers / Participants)


The output for this workstream is this website itself. Any documents detailing the planning of this resource can be located within the Project 11 micro-site by following the links below