CRN WM digital updates

This section gathers together news relevant to the umbrella of Digital work, from local updates from the West Midlands ROST team, to news from NHS England and the DHSC

All of the latest updates from recent months, and archived items can be found by clicking the icons for each workstream below

West Midlands Secure Data Environment (SDE) update

09 July 2024

Please see the latest update from the WM SDE team. The full document can be opened via the link at the top right.

WM SDE NewsBytes July 24.pdf

Google Hub newsletter

07 June 2024

Please see the latest update from the WM Google Hub specialist team. The full document can be opened via the arrow button at the top right.

June 2024 Google Hub Newsletter.pdf

West Midlands Secure Data Environment (SDE) update

10 May 2024

Please see the latest update from the WM SDE team. The full document can be opened via the link at the top right.

NewsBytes April 24.pdf

Google Hub newsletter (April 2024)

01 May 2024

Please see the latest update from the WM Google Hub specialist team. The full document can be opened via the arrow button at the top right.

Google Hub Newsletter April.pdf

NIHR Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) Transformation Programme: end of 2023-24 update

29 April 2024

The NIHR Digital, Data and Technology programme have shared an update on  the progress of the transformation programme in 2023/24.

The update can be viewed to the right, and opened at full size or downloaded using the arrow to the top right of the preview window.

To learn more about DDaT and their work within the NIHR please visit their website.

DDaT Transformation Programme End of Q4 Comms (2023_24).pdf

Digital project - final paper now BMJ published

16 April 2024

Carly Craddock and Mark Evans were delighted to be part of a great team working alongside colleagues at Warwick University in order to complete a recent study looking at the use of digital tools in clinical, health and social care research.  

The final paper has now been published by the BMJ and can be viewed here too!

If you would like to find out more about this study, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Warwick Digital Final Paper - BMJ.pdf

CRN WM Digital update

16 April 2024

We have pieced together the following update detailing the great work completed and progressing both locally and nationally through our Recruitment Optimisation Support Team (ROST) and through current secondments contributing towards the national Primary Care Research Informatics & Digital Environment Solutions (PRIDES) and Find, Recruit and Follow-up (FRF) services.

If you would like to find out more about any of the workstreams mentioned in this video, please don't hesitate to contact us at

CRN WM Digital Update - 05.04.24.mp4

Google Training Platform open to all NIHR staff

15 April 2024

The NIHR DDaT service has announced that the Department of Health and Social Care have approved Live Learning Co to provide training across numerous Google Workspace applications. This is an opportunity to provide all NIHR staff with high quality training on the use of Google programs and tools. From 15 April 2024 all NIHR staff will be able to access the Google Training Platform through the NIHR Hub, alongside other Google services (pictured below), and via this link. Sessions will run regularly and can be reviewed as recordings following completion.

Google Hub newsletter (January - March 2024)

08 April 2024

Please see the latest update from the WM Google Hub specialist team. The full document can be opened via the link at the top right.

January to March 2024 Google Hub Newsletter.pdf

West Midlands Secure Data Environment (SDE) update

02 April 2024

Please see the latest update from the WM SDE team. The full document can be opened via the link at the top right.

NewsBytes March 24.pdf

Q1 2024 & commercial study feedback

21 March 2024

So far in 2024 ROST has received requests from 19 studies, with just under half requiring parallel developments in both main clinical systems. Further information about ROST activity in 2024 is available in the linked report.

Team member Lucy Hughes has also received some great feedback from a commercial study team, for Health Informatics developments completed in both main clinical systems at very short notice:

'Lucy Hughes was great! - Happy with service, flexible to alter criteria as suggested. 3 patients contacted the site so far and look like they should meet eligibility criteria to screen. Full assessment of outcome can be provided at a later date. We expected low numbers to be invited due to eligibility criteria'

Well done to Lucy, and to Claire Brown and Sam Hunt for their assistance with this particularly challenging request.


NIHR Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) Transformation Programme: Q4 2023-24 update

February 2024

The NIHR Digital, Data and Technology programme have shared an update on all ongoing aspects of their transformation programme; please see the full update here, and to learn more about DDaT and their work within the NIHR please visit their website.


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