Online feasibility tools

Researchers may request information regarding the feasibility of successfully delivering their study idea in our region. Accessing and collating such information can be tricky, dependent on the type and amount of criteria to be included in this initial analysis, and also on the ability to be able to access the level of data required. Requests could include a variety of different metrics within varying cohorts, including:

We do have some freely available online tools to support us with this task  

The pages linked below will look at both internal and externally available options       


The NIHR Online Data Platform (ODP) provides us with some options for collating feasibility data concerning a number of different criteria.  Click on the image above to find out more.


There are many freely available online sources of feasibility data that are useful resources for us to either utilise, or recommend to researchers & partner organisations for their own use.  Click on the image above to explore the options.


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