Case Study - CRN WM & the PRIDES Hub

The data driven methods utilised is Primary Care settings to identify potentially eligible participants for research studies is embedded within CRN West Midlands as normal practice. The national PRIDES service acts as the central point of contact for all aspects of developing a Health Informatics service within a local research network in an effort to standardise this type of activity across the country.

 The PRIDES Hub (hosted by CRN West Midlands and CRN South West Peninsula), aims to build on the successes of the IT Solutions Pilot Initiative, moving it into a second phase aimed at supporting the integration of PRIDES into business-as-usual processes within each regional network as well as complementing other NIHR digital continuous improvement activities (e.g. the Find, Recruit & Follow-Up Service).

Preparing for launch - Autumn 2022

We had much to plan in preparation for delivering the PRIDES Hub as a national service to all LCRNs. We also were tasked with planning 3 sub projects within the period up to April 2024.

Back in October 2022, we shared with the wider CRN WM team a short animation detailing the work we were undertaking to get ready to launch the PRIDES hub.

PRIDES Hub - WM Update pre launch.mp4

Preparing resources - Autumn 2022

We immediately began work on the creation of digital resources to support the launch of the PRIDES Hub section within the PRIDES LCRN Toolkit website, including bitesize animations introducing the main topics for consideration when enhancing an existing PRIDES service.

Here is an example of one of our early resources explaining the remit of the PRIDES Hub and the activity we had planned.

1. Description for front page (Final 16/11)

Meeting all our LCRNs - Early 2023

Through the early part of 2023, we met with all our LCRNs to understand how their PRIDES service operated and to discuss the elements that each LCRN was looking to enhance through the next 12 months to build a stronger service office for the future.


'It is reassuring to know that we have your support as the main hub'  

Helen Jung (Lead Primary Care Manager • CRN East of England Core Team)

Online resource development - Spring 2023 onwards

To build on the taster bitesize resources already produced before the launch of the Hub, we proceeded on an ambitious timeline of producing a detailed, longer resource for each of the main topics for consideration when enhancing a local PRIDES service. We supported each resource release with the provision of drop-in sessions for LCRNs to meet our PRIDES experts.

Here is an example of our work looking at the topic of research coding.

All the extended training resources can be accessed here.

2) Research Coding v1.2.mp4

Bespoke training sessions - delivered through 2023/24

Throughout our delivery of the PRIDES Hub, we have offered bespoke online training sessions to LCRNs and their engaged Primary Care sites on aspects of PRIDES earmarked for development on a local basis.

We recorded and shared any sessions delivered for a wider national audience and also received some great feedback from the attendees.


'Thank you for your time on this, very helpful and really pleased to hear that our team reported that the search build seemed much easier than they expected!'

'The training made it easier than I thought'

'Being shown SystmOne was useful to be able to see how searches are built and executed'

'It was my first time seeing SystmOne and for me, the session gave me a good overview of where to find items on the system, and and introduction on how to create a search report.'

Projects attributed to the PRIDES Hub through 2023/24

We were also asked to complete 3 important projects contributing directly to the shape of the PRIDES service moving forward. All three projects were challenging to complete looking at the 3 subjects shown below

Associated reports and documents emerging from these projects will be shared at the appropriate time on this page


Recording patient dissent from receiving research invitations 

Up to now, there has been an absence of a clinical code to accurately record a patients dissent from receiving research invitations from their GP. The PRIDES Hub assembled a lengthy application to put forward the case for the creation of new codes for this purpose which was successful. We are now creating resources to roll-out a new approach across the country.


The use of text messaging within research delivery

The growing use of Text Messaging as the 'go-to' method of research invitation has caused some confusion over how the activity should be costed alongside the existing contractual arrangements between Primary Care sites and integrated care boards (ICBs). The PRIDES Hub took on the task of surveying all LCRNs for their experiences to inform a position report on this subject.


Shaping PRIDES to support commercial research delivery

PRIDES will be a listed service within the Find, Recruit & Follow-up service advising on publicly funded digital solutions to support the growth of commercial research within the UK. The Hub was tasked with surveying LCRNs on past experience & future plans to offer a PRIDES service for commercial research in order to help shape the future PRIDES offer on a national scale.


The journey continues! - funding has been approved for the PRIDES Hub to continue through 2024/25 to support LCRNs through transition to RRDNs & the changes that may bring for local PRIDES services. We will update our activity moving forwards here on the case study page.


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