External Data Service Providers (DSPs)

The research sector is currently providing a competitive market for data service providers (DSPs) to operate within. We are seeing studies arrive for assessment within our Study Support teams with a DSP already engaged, or at least under consideration, who we may have no prior knowledge of. This section looks to provide some basic information around each DSP with links to online resources to discover more about each service offer in turn.

Data service providers can offer support and efficiencies in different areas of research delivery including:

We are learning more as an increasing amount of studies engage with the CRN utilising external DSPs

Clicking on the images below will take you to two sections looking at some of the publicly and commercially funded DSPs


The NIHR Find, Recruit & Follow-up (FRF) service is currently assessing the publicly funded DSPs operating within the research sector. Click on the image above to find out more about the DSPs engaged with FRF.


Many commercially funded DSPs are looking to enter the research delivery sector. Click on the image above to find out more about the DSPs we have encountered through involvement with study delivery.


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