ROST delivering the Find, Recruit & Follow-up (FRF) wrap-around service

In January 2024, ROST were successful in applying to deliver the Find, Recruit & Follow-up (FRF) wrap-around service on a national scale for an initial period of 2 months through to the end of the 2023/24 financial year, which was subsequently extended to the end of September 2024. We are currently working with the FRF team, busy planning the activity required to deliver this service over this period, as well as planning what may follow through 2024/25.

We look forward to keeping you posted with our progress on this dedicated page for our delivery of this important secondment, working to solidify the FRF message into Study Support Service teams around the country.


What we have been doing ...

Advising on service launch timelines through RRDN transition

With regards to the timing of the service launch and also any associated training developed to enhance service knowledge within local research support teams, we have been able to offer thoughts on how this is best handled in line with the on-going transition taking place from LCRNs to RRDNs to ensure the all communications are sensitively handled without causing any un-due added uncertainty for all staff at a local level.

Designing video content to support the FRF service launch

We have developed scripts for animated videos designed to explain the FRF service in general, as well as the role the service will play as we move towards delivering the new Research Delivery Network (RDN).   We are currently assisting with the visual design of the videos pending release in the near future.

Collating a baseline learning package for NIHR learn

The eventual output from our time supporting the FRF team will be a learning package developed and available to all RDN/RRDN staff with in the NIHR Learn platform.  We have been busy working through the content for the package which will aim to embed a baseline level of knowledge around FRF and the DSPs listed within the service website, within our research delivery teams.

There is more to come!

Please keep an eye out for announcements from the Find, Recruit and Follow-up team around the release of new resources to support the roll-out of the service across the network.  We will also publish any news within the digital updates section accessible here.


If you want to find out more about the Find, Recruit & Follow up service, please visit our dedicated page within the National Digital Services section found here


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