ROST Primary Care case studies & statistics

The CRN WM ROST team has operated within the Primary Care sector for a number of years supporting researchers with study feasibility, set-up and delivery within a core offer of developing Health Informatics (HI) tools for the purpose of the identification of potentially eligible participants for individual research studies. ROST support researchers in differing ways including:

We are constantly collating statistics and examples of successful engagements, in order to demonstrate the the level of activity within the ROST team, as well as the effectiveness of the work we carry out

Clicking the images below will take you to two sections looking at headline performance statistics and individual case studies


Click on the image above to enter our ROST Performance Dashboard to see how we are performing in support of the research teams recruiting within Primary Care in our area & beyond


ROST has supported many studies over the years to successfully recruit to time and target. Click on the image above to find case studies showing the impact of our work within Primary Care settings


Click the icon to return to the homepage
