Uncertainty in the future change of Sahel precipitation: a storyline approach   

Speaker: Paul-Arthur Monerie    

Chair(S): Scott Osprey

wednesday OCTOber 4, 2023, 13:00

Variations of the West African monsoon have strong impacts on Sahelian societies, on agriculture yield, drought and flooding risks, economy, among others. It is therefore extremely important to understanding how the West African monsoon could change in the future. However, future changes in Sahel precipitation are uncertain. We use a storyline approach which seeks to identify alternative plausible evolutions of Sahel precipitation and their driving factors. We show that changes in North Atlantic and in Euro-Mediterranean temperatures explain up to 60% of the central Sahel precipitation change uncertainty. These results indicate that constraining the future warming of the North Atlantic and the Euro-Mediterranean areas could allow reduce uncertainty at projecting the future change of the Sahel precipitation. 


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