Weight Room Upgrade

Our weight room is small and has dated equipment. It is used by the PE department and by many of our athletic teams. Our goal is to upgrade the weight room so that students have a great place to work out. We would like to clean out the front half of the building (being used as storage) so that we could double the size of the space. We would like to get help with repairs, then completely clean and paint the interior. We can try to clean and refurbish some of the current equipment, but we would also like to try to get some new equipment, a sound system, and some banners to increase school spirit.

Continuing the project in the future

The project is currently on hold, as the space is being used for storage. When cleared out again, we hope to accomplish the following:

  • Finish a layout for the workout areas

  • Get appropriate funding for new equipment

  • Repair the building, give it a deep clean - including the addition of mini-splits

  • Paint the building to have school spirit

  • Install the new equipment and open the whole building

Past Work

2019-2020 Clearing and Planning

  • Leadership class students wanted to upgrade the current weight room space.

  • They presented their ideas to the principal and building manager, and they got their approvals to proceed.

  • They then presented a slideshow of their ideas to our school's Facilities Subcommittee (subcommittee of the School Committee), and they got the support of that committee.

  • They submitted fundraising paperwork so that we are allowed to accept donations of funds, items, and services (contingent upon our internal approvals). We started a GoFundMe to help raise funds for our project.

  • The class spent several weeks cleaning out the front half of the building. Students moved furniture items that teachers wanted into the building.

  • Students sorted all the books in the space. Books in bad condition were disposed of, books in large sets were brought back into the school for the English department. Unwanted books in good condition were donated.

  • Students set up a full storage system for the book in the old, unused lockers in the English hallway, and we are creating an inventory for the English department to use to know what is available. We will be painting the lockers to look like spines of books (Book Storage System project).

  • Students completely finished cleaning the front space out and hope to start repair work and painting next.

  • The Y gave us a few items, chosen with the help of PE teacher Mr. Yuhas, for us to use when we outfit the space. We cleaned and sanitized them.

  • The project got put on hold when the pandemic started, and the space is currently being used to house excess furniture so the school can be set up for social distancing.

Student Leaders: Josh Pinto, Madia Bellebueno, Luke El-Deiry, Owen Metell, Nate Porterfield, Dylan Burke, Morgan Estrella

Faculty Mentors: Natalie Munn, Kathy Perrotta, Craig Yuhas, Mike Taus, Donald Herman (coach)

Support: Thank you to the Y for donating a few items for our space.

The current Weight Room

The front half of the building

Moving books into the English hallway storage

We have made really good progress clearing and sorting items from the space