MVRHS Leadership Update Page

Student Leaders: Clementine Zeender(, Audrey Heidt(, Charlotte Scott(


Student Government Webpage

Through the Student Government Page I updated the class representatives to our current 2023/2024 student body. This will make Student Governments more accesible to the student community, faculty, and general public.

check it out

Faculty Advisor(s): 

Amy Jacques ( )

SWEAR Webpage

SWEAR has established a large part in our community, with that, the addition and update of the webpage was past due. It is still under the process of being updated as we are waiting for pictures and new members from the retreat.

check it out

Faculty Mentor(s): 

Matt Malowkski (

Amy Lilavuon (

The main goal of this project was to update the Leadership page located on, hoping to accomplish more accessibility to the public, and update the entirety of the Leadership page. As most pages had not been updated from previous classses, the pages I found that were least updated included: SWEAR, Student Government, and Available Volunteer opportunities. 

What we've done so far? We have fact checked the volunteer page keep/updating the ones that are still available and taking away any they aren’t at the time. We have updated the student Government to our current Government body of 2023/2024. We updated SWEAR images of current students and included more information on the retreat.

Next Steps:

-Edditing the entirety of the website

-Completing updated SWEAR page

-Adding additional leadership pages

Through this proccess we revwied the future layout and decsions of the Leadership page with both Ms. ( ) and Mr. McGrath ( They allowed us access to the website and helped us throught the entirety of the project.