Screen-Based Information Network

The goal of this project is to easily display information like schedules, events, cancellations and short announcements in an electronic format in which students can readily see and benefit from the information.

2020-21 Piloting the Hallway Screen Network

Current Efforts:

  • We have set up one pilot TV in the hallway, and have set up a google website with basic information.

  • We are able to show the schedule, current times, and general announcements. This is updated daily.

  • We are hoping to have multiple screens around the school with important information for the day.

  • We are exploring other options for new tech or screens, and hoping to create a new website to more efficiently gather and broadcast information.

Groups: Tech Class, Indendent Study

Student Leader(s): Ben Mulvey

Faculty Mentor: Spencer D'Agostino, Rick Mello

Past Work

2019-2020 Hallway Screen Network

The Hallway Screen Network project started out with research and development of whether we could have a system of screens throughout the school for scheduling and announcements. We found and wifi-tested several possible locations, and also found appropriate screens by working with Mr. D’Agostino’s class. We eventually decided on a website-based platform and talked to Ms. Meader about updating each day on the system, and we worked on a design. By the end of the year, the website-based platform was nearly ready, and we purchased one screen to pilot the project. We hope to add more screens to the system over each year.

Group: Leadership Class, Tech Class

Student Leader(s): Catherine Cherry

Faculty Mentor: Natalie Munn, Spencer D'Agostino, Mike Taus, Julie Meader

Examples we've seen in other schools

2018-2019 Power School Daily Bulletin

The Daily Bulletin project's purpose was to improve communication between the administration and the students in the MVRHS community. We set out on this project because we observed a lack of beneficial information sharing within our school. Using the Daily Bulletin function in Power School is one way that the central office could message out short announcements. Some of the information that could be posted here includes; meeting times for sports, clubs and extra curricular activities, school events such as Give Back Day, and Pep rallies. It can also be used to give information about college visits, SAT and SAT subject test dates, and any other college related news. We made a video that shows how to move the Daily Bulletin to the top of the Power School list when a student signs on in the app.

Student Leader(s): Willa Welch, Max Potter

Faculty Mentor(s): Natalie Munn