Deer Tick Research

Our goal is to engage in Lyme disease-focused tick research and to promote tick education within our school system and community.

Group: Honors Science Research Class, Summer Internship Work

Current Efforts:

  • Tick research to create a long-term database regarding Lyme

  • Designing a tick education curriculum for middle school health classes or an after-school workshop

Student Leader: Sam Cranston, Peter Burke

Faculty Mentor: Carrie Fyler

Past Work


Honors Science Research students created the Tick Lab in Spring of 2018. At that time, the students conducted research and community outreach that coincided with a Lyme Disease study being done at MIT, led by Kevin Esvelt. They collaborated with Dr. Esvelt, and the collaboration culminated in a visit to Dr. Esvelt's research lab at MIT and a subsequent presentation of their research in a community outreach talk session and pamphlet distribution at the Vineyard Haven Library.

No Time for Ticks Martha's Vineyard Times Article

Student Leaders: Maggie Burke, Sam Cranston, Owen Engler

Faculty Mentor: Carrie Fyler