Updating Sports Photos

My goal was to update the long overdue MVRHS sports team pictures that are hung by the gym of the school.  By doing this, I was hoping to inform students and teachers on the new teams of this years fall sports and keep our school updated.  The pictures where from winter and spring sports of last year. 

I started by reaching out to all the captions and coaches of the 2023 fall sports to obtain this years team pictures. I ran into some trouble when some didn't respond and some sports hadn't taken a professional team picture. I finally got all the pictures I needed, some still not the best quality. I then talked to Ms. Shoquist in person, asking if she could kindly print the pictures out with her printer that printed on professional paper. I measured the frames of the existing pictures (19”in x 13”in) and emailed that information along with the the fall sports pictures to Ms. Shoquist. She responded back, stating that the lower quality pictures would be too pixelized blown up bigger and suggested we search for better quality ones to replace those. After receiving her feedback, I went to guidance to see if anyone there had what I was looking for. From there, I lucky got the two more professional pictures I needed and emailed them back to Ms. Shoquist. I ran into another trouble when her printer stopped working.

This experience showed me how leadership requires a-lot of communication and that many intricate tasks need to be adressed quickly and effcently complete an action plan. With a combination of technical and non-technical elements, creating a comprehensive action plan can be challenging even if it's quite simple. Overcoming these challenges was a learning experience and I learned it often requires careful planning, collaboration, continuous communication, and a willingness to adapt the action plan as needed based on feedback and changing circumstances.