Book Storage System

The goal of this project was to organize and put away books previously stored in the weight room, and to create a catalog of the book sets for the English Department.

2019-20 Moving and Cataloging the Books

Current Efforts:

  • We took the books from the weight room that were stacked and unorganized.

  • We brought the books into the school and opened up some of the lockers in the 500’s hallway.

  • We organized the books by title and put them into the lockers.

  • We created an electronic inventory of the books for the English Department

  • We have a future goal of painting the doors of the lockers to look like book spines.

Group: Leadership Class

Student Leaders: Abigail Hammarlund, Avery Simmons, Catherine Cherry, Izabella Morris, Emily Anderson

Faculty Mentors: Olsen Houghton, Natalie Munn, Christine Ferrone