Creating a Suggestion Box

We all gather everyday in the MVRHS building, however many students have expressed that they want to feel a stronger sense of community. Our goal was to strengthen communication throughout the school as a step towards having a better sense of community at our school.

2019-2020 Continuing the Suggestion Box

The suggestion box was initiated, then we went to remote learning due to covid. It is something that could be started again in the future.

Student Leaders: Catherine Cherry, Avery Simmons, Emily Anderson

Faculty Mentor(s): Natalie Munn

2018-2019 Starting a Suggestion Box

Improving communication is a long process. It takes motivation from all parts of our schools and crafty solutions to issues faced daily. Many students wanted a better way to voice their ideas and opinions, so both an electronic and a physical Suggestion Box was created to gather ideas from anyone in our school.

Student Leaders: Violet Cabot, Mariah Donahue

Faculty Mentor(s): Natalie Munn