Recycling Stream

Signs and Monitoring

Our goal is to clear up any confusion that there is about what can and can’t be recycled. It is important that only appropriate items are recycled, because if the recycling is contaminated, then it is not as convenient or useable when it is shipped to companies that buy the recycled materials. We hope that the signs will make the process of recycling easy to understand and more frequent. Hopefully our project will reduce the amount of recyclable items being put in the trash. We have also created a database of the number of recycling containers we ship to Bruno's, so that we can see how much we recycle as a school.

2020-21 Recycling Sign Development and Distribution

  • We got information through our custodians, the containers from Bruno's as well as a contact at Bruno's, and from information obtained by Suzie Brown.

  • We developed a sign to put on all classroom recycling containers so everyone understands what can and cannot be recycled.

  • We mass printed the signs and laminated them, and we attached them to classroom bins

Student Leader(s): Julia Sayre, Colleen Carroll

Faculty Mentor(s): Natalie Munn

We'd like to thank Bruno's for recycling guidance.

2019-20 Recycling Sign Development and Data on Recycling Pick-ups

  • We got information through our custodians, the containers from Bruno's, and from information obtained by Suzie Brown.

  • We have designed a very rough draft of a small sign that we could mount to the blue, classroom recycling bins. The sign needs to be freshened and redesigned a bit, and then laminated and put on every classroom recycling bin.

  • We will be working on a large informational sign about where our recycling goes after it leaves our school and the island, to increase awareness of the recycling process.

  • We are creating a database on the number of large, green recycling containers processed at our school.

Student Leader(s): Alison Custer, Ava Vought

Faculty Mentor(s): Natalie Munn, Suzie Brown (Island Grown Schools)