Alumni Visit Flex Series

The goal of this project was to contribute to the preparation of students for a life post high school, whether that be college, a gap year, work force, etc. Alumni of the school came in to discuss their transition out of MVRHS and give advice to current students.

Developing the Series

Outcomes: Three flex sessions were offered to students, each with 4-6 alumni present. Students filed in and grabbed a snack before taking their seats. Alumni introduced themselves and then were prompted by student facilitators with questions. Alumni were informed that not all of them had to answer every question, but they were enthusiastic enough to do so anyways. Questions were then opened up to the current students.

  • The panel was largely attended and overall enjoyed, with most attendees finding the advice relatable and helpful.

  • 79% of current students said they would attend the flex series again, while the rest said their attendance was a possibility.

  • The feedback was split about 50/50 on the time allotted being too short or just right (40 mins).

  • In addition, alumni enjoyed their time and felt it was useful for MVRHS students.

Goals for the future: The flex series could be rebooted next school year for future students to enjoy, or enjoy again! The feedback collected from our student survey could be used to tweak the current outline for the panel. For example,

  • Advertisments (posters, loudspeaker, weekly newsletter) being dispersed sooner.

  • Getting current seniors to sign a form stating that we are allowed to contact them post graduation to be involved in the series.

  • Reviewing/editing the questions student hosts prompt alumni with before it's opened up to the current students.

Group(s): Leadership Class

Student Leader(s): Katie Morse, Emma Searle, Bella Giordano, Lauren Pagliccia

Faculty Mentor(s): Natalie Munn, Olsen Houghton, Amy Lilavois