Beach Clean-ups and Database

We learned about the damage being done to our planet by pollution, and we decided that we needed to make our mark at our local beaches, where there is much pollution and trash to be found. Our goal was to clean some of the pollution that is destructive towards our home. We hoped to serve our community by keeping our part of the planet clean and healthy. We also hope that we can inspire others to take action in their locations. We hope these beach clean-ups will inspire others in our community not to litter, and pick up trash that they come across outside.

Past Work

2020-21 Beach Clean-ups and Instagram Communication

  • We are worked on cleaning up the beaches of Martha's Vineyard through regular beach clean-ups.

  • We set up a public Instagram for students to stay informed.

  • We posted on the Instagram dates and times and other important information for other students to get involved.

Group(s): Leadership Class

Student Leader(s): Dyana Burke

Faculty Mentor(s): William Brown

2019-20 Beach Clean-up using Ocean Conservancy Form

  • The goal was to regularly cleanup our beaches and collect and analyze the trash from different beaches across the island.

  • The trash data was tallied using the Ocean Conservancy tally form.

  • The data was sent to the Ocean Conservancy to be included in Citizen Science national database.

Group(s): Leadership Classes

Student Leader(s): Hunter Athearn, Briana Convery

Faculty Mentor(s): Olsen Houghton, Ena Thulin, Louis Hall, Natalie Munn, Signe Benjamin (Vineyard Conservation Society)

2018-19 Beach Trash Data Collection

  • The goal was to create a system for classes throughout MVRHS to collect and analyze the trash from different beaches across the island.

  • Trash data would be tallied, and the data would be uploaded onto a centralized website.

  • The data could then help the island and the students come up with a solution of beach polluting.

  • Explored tally sheets available and came up with some ideas of how to format one for local use

  • Looked at ways to store data online

Group(s): Leadership Classes

Student Leader(s): Caroline Hurley

Faculty Mentor(s): Olsen Houghton, Natalie Munn