Redesigning the Athletic Entryway

Our goal was to revitalize the athletic entryway area with new paint and photos of student athletes. By doing this, we felt it would create a sense of school pride. We also wanted to showcase student life through photos of students from each of our sports. We were trying to make our school athletic entryway look welcoming to away teams and to enhance pride among our students.


  • We had originally wanted to repaint the hallways leading to the gym, but decided that the halls are too big of a job to handle. We decided to focus on the entry area by the locker rooms. The space had not been painted in many years, and we wanted to give the athletic entryway a face lift and to show our pride.
  • We used a stripe pattern that matched the locker room area that we had been working on.
  • Once our painting was finished, we put up framed photography of each of our sports.
  • We finished by adding some banners.

Student Leader(s): Molly Baldino, Shelby Ponte, Molly Carroll, Lauren Boyd, Enrique Contreaus, Levi Vanderhoop

Faculty Mentor(s): Natalie Munn, Tiffiney Shoquist, Mark McCarthy, Mike Taus, Chris Baer